
  1. M

    Worst game?

    I managed about 6.5 million last night, which I was fairly impressed with. I had a game after that which was almost more horrific: I'd built up the castle lock, and was going for the coffin lock, when, as often happens, I hit the castle lock prematurely by mistake. Never mind, says I...
  2. M

    Android - Bug Tilt warning launches ball

    (Not a bug - operator error :) ) Tilt warning launches ball Not sure if that's a ROM bug (or even deliberate...) but I can't find mention of it online. Anyway, on my 2012 Nexus 7: start game, shake tablet, ball launches. Also works during a game - it seems you have to shake it enough to...
  3. M

    Android tablet - launch button in HUD vs. launch 'direct from table'

    Just a curiosity really. On Attack From Mars, for example, when the viewpoint 'steps back' to launch the ball, the fire button disappears from the HUD and tapping anywhere launches. On BSD, the HUD button persists, and is the only way to launch. This seems slightly suboptimal for a few...

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