Was this a borked update? I don't see anything different at all. No tables redownloaded like they did in previous patches.
Thats most likely the increased gamecenter performance.the gorgar slowdowns/stuttering that made the table almost unplayable have been fixed - interestingly without requiring redownloading indeed
In Beta (2 weeks back), this was the version that
-improved gamecenter performance
-fixed MM gap (but knocked the flashers out), but that made it into the released version as well. Hopefully lights fixed in this official update
-supposed facebook login fix
-fixes for BOP
-fixes lowres Gorgar texture
Don't know what they changed, added since that feedback round.
That's odd. I've got the update installed, but I'm not seeing any of those fixes. If anything, the lower half of the Gorgar playfield background is now even more obviously lower res than the top half. Or maybe it's the same as before and I just didn't notice before? Either way, there's now an obvious seam where the two textures meet, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that before.
MM still looks the same to me (though it's hard to tell at a glance). The lights are still working though (I never did the force-re-download, so I never had the issue where the lights went dead).
What exactly was fixed on BoP? I don't remember running into any issues on that table, so I'm not sure what to look for.
I didn't have to redownload any tables after installing the update, which seems a little odd, as previous updates that fixed specific tables always required redownloading those tables. Perhaps that's why I'm not seeing any of the fixes?
The leaderboards are still completely hosed, with previous scores still swapped between ToM<-->BH and FH<-->CV. The hall of fame points still don't make any sense. Tonight I got pretty decent scores on both BoP and Ripley's, and I still have only 7 and 5 points respectively. Meanwhile I have 187 for Gorgar, for some reason, and my score is nothing spectacular.
I also just completed the wizard goals on BoP tonight, and didn't get the achievement for it (I never disabled Game Center, so it should have registered).
Bit of a mess right now, isn't it?
Dear all, I am very hesitant to delete the app or the tables. surely, in a future update there will be the option to redownload the tables within the app (as has been the case in earlier updates)?
Yeah, I don't want to lose all of my scores/goals just because Farsight forgot to turn on a "redownload updated tables" flag in the app. I'll wait for the next update. This is getting sad. I think the company has some growing pains and they really need a QA department.
You can back up your goals/scores with these instructions:
But yes, I agree....they really need to make the latest tables download automatically. It's a pain to have to keep deleting and reinstalling.