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Here's a gameplay video as promised. I'm really enjoying this machine and playing it a lot more that all my others atm ( well it is new so I'm bound to say that! ). More often than not games are very short leaving you with that just one more go feeling. It has some unusual features which set it aside from other machines I've played....

A skillshot that's well worth trying to get right, use timing and power to try to make as many rollovers as you can as they light up in sequence to affect the spinner value hugely.

Zipper flippers obviously.

Lit lower flippers.

An interesting way to earn the extra ball, dropping the 4 drop targets on the right side stops one of the 2 centre digits on the playfield display, hitting the 3 standups on the left side in order stops the other digit. Match them to earn the extra ball.

An unlimited extra ball earned by filling the Olympus bar along the top to a certain level, which keeps relaunching until the accumulated timer reaches zero.

Nudging in the outlanes has a lot to bounce the ball off, rubber on all sides and the star rollover making it very difficult but satisfying when you do pull it off.

The shield of the gods movable centre post between the flipper, starts with 5 uses but more can be earned by taking the left or right lanes to the upper playfield.

Quality is much better if watched directly on YouTube rather than the embedded video...


Oh, and here's my tacky topper :D

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