Android 2.11.6 Bugs


Jul 3, 2015
- Removed all skill shot cameras to prevent users from being stuck in them at the start of the game.
Bride of Pinbot was not updated, and still has the skill shot zoom
TOTAN was not updated, same issue

- Fixed the coin door menu buttons on Android.
Still cannot access menu options on Cactus Jacks as buttons are not mapped properly. This needs to go back to QA for proper testing, again/still.
The Table explore touch scheme is active so a non-direct touch on coin door buttons will still move the playfield view, not as bad as before, but it is still a UI issue. Either zoom it out to show the whole playfield for light tests at coin door, or just disable the swipe to zoom/pan touch scheme.

- Table selection of any icon that is on the top row: if it is touching the upper headers then you cannot select them. SO on initial switch of filter the entire view shifts the rows up so that the A-Z/Table Goal view makes the top row unselectable unless to scroll it down.

- Circus Voltaire update(d)
Stops going to plunge cam after locking multiple balls. This removes any further chances at skill shot scoring.

- Medieval Madness update(d)
Event Cam OFF pans up to the backglass with merlin's magic award; inconsistent usually 1st game later games seem to follow setting rules.

- Theater of Magic update(d)
Plunge cam 2 still cannot see the plunger or the scale for shots. It' is a solid black box of impermeable pixels.
The physics are no longer Flubber based, now the ball is super floaty. Very noticeable when you get a slow ball.

- Terminator 2
Video mode pans to backglass with event cam set to OFF

- inconsistent special button sizes game to game

- Rotation of device can crash the entire UI.

- new optimization required. I can really hear a sound difference on a device that has 2GB of RAM vs one that has 4GB of RAM. After going through a bunch of tables, loading and exiting them the memory builds up and the tables aren't unloaded properly. I can hear the main menu music start to play slower and slower on the 2GB device.

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