Another iCade Core mod


New member
May 31, 2013
So, I added the usual buttons to the sides of the iCade Core. The remaining piece for this scaled-down arcade simulacrum is the orientation of the iPad, which needs to be flatter. This has been temporarily accomplished with a graphite rod that exceeds the width of the iCade by about an inch, and is held in place with a long rubber band that runs beneath, and up around the sides between the flipper and nudge buttons. The bottom of the iPad rests against the uppermost built-in button and is tucked under the graphite rod, and the back leans against the iCade "easel", positioning the tablet at about a 25-30 degree angle. It ain't elegant, but it works - and most importantly, shake nudge works pretty well with this arrangement! Main downside is that the rubber band sometimes shifts and holds down a flipper button.

Trying to come up with a more elegant solution to hold the iPad in this position without a full custom build, but for now, this is pretty decent. (Have photos, but haven't figured out how to put them on the forum.)


New member
May 31, 2013

Definitely - those are really cool, but I'm enjoying the minimalism of the Core, and figuring out how best to adapt it without a complete remake. Also, keeping it minimal likely yields better results if shaken nudge is a priority. Speaking of that - any thought of arranging adjustment of the angle at which the iPad is held in those cabinets? At least with the iPad 2, the shake sensitivity seems to be adjusted that way - almost nonexistent when flat, ridiculous when vertical.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Definitely - those are really cool, but I'm enjoying the minimalism of the Core, and figuring out how best to adapt it without a complete remake. Also, keeping it minimal likely yields better results if shaken nudge is a priority. Speaking of that - any thought of arranging adjustment of the angle at which the iPad is held in those cabinets? At least with the iPad 2, the shake sensitivity seems to be adjusted that way - almost nonexistent when flat, ridiculous when vertical.

I can move the angle up or down but I'm happy with it the way it is. It's approximately 10.5-11 degrees.

I'm not using shake to nudge. Since the app was released in Feb 2012 I've always preferred tough nudging on the iPad. I have installed nudge buttons which which the iCade maps to the app.


New member
May 31, 2013
Yeah, my Core mod is the same arrangement as your original design. Having played with it, if I had to use buttons for nudge, I'd put a smaller set behind and below the flippers instead of in front (may add them in parallel). But - using buttons for nudge destroys the illusion! I'm finding that this minimal arrangement with the pad at a modest angle yields pretty decent results. A matter of taste - YMMV.

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