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I wouldn't say regret, since it's such a small amount of money. So I don't begrudge giving FS my money considering how much work goes in to these things.

However, there are tables I rarely play, and would never buy if they weren't bundled.

Ripley's Believe it or Not.   I just don't like the look and feel and sounds of the table. Convoluted.

Harley Davidson.  Ick. I can only assume this one was included due to contractual reasons or something.

Bride of Pinbot.  Meh.  Scoring seems grossly imbalanced. A handful of shots give you billions...

Taxi.  I know, I know. Just not a fan. Didn't like it much in PHOF, either.

Elvira.  Theme and look of table does nothing for me.

Big Shot.  Why is this even included?

I was a bit disappointed with Cirqus Voltaire. I expected to like it a lot better, but the graphics don't do the real thing any justice. The lighting just isn't there.

FWIW, I think Genie is a lovely looking game. Takes me back...

Looking forward to Firepower, Space Shuttle.

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