Version: iOs 3.9.1
Platform/OS: iPhone 5S/iOs 7.1.2
Description: When Multiball is triggered via the outlane slot machine (e.g. no ball is in play when it is triggered), two balls are loaded into the auto plunger and get stuck there. The camera stays on the table, even though there is no ball in play (it just drained, see above). When calling the attendant, the camera switches to the plunger, one is able to plunge two balls at the same time into play, but the camera STAYS on the plunger until both balls are drained. Normal play continues after that.
[EDIT]Frequency: < 100%
Notes: This is probably a bug resulting from the latest plunger fix that has been implemented on all (?) tables recently.
Platform/OS: iPhone 5S/iOs 7.1.2
Description: When Multiball is triggered via the outlane slot machine (e.g. no ball is in play when it is triggered), two balls are loaded into the auto plunger and get stuck there. The camera stays on the table, even though there is no ball in play (it just drained, see above). When calling the attendant, the camera switches to the plunger, one is able to plunge two balls at the same time into play, but the camera STAYS on the plunger until both balls are drained. Normal play continues after that.
[EDIT]Frequency: < 100%
Notes: This is probably a bug resulting from the latest plunger fix that has been implemented on all (?) tables recently.
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