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well, it depends on whether you mean level of difficulty or accuracy of physics.  i think they're two very different things.

STTNG is very similar in DIFFICULTY to the real machine, but the physics are a little weird.  i mean, it's pretty good, but the ball is a bit floaty and does near-impossible things -- the immediate left lane drain from the upper right pop bumpers never happens in real life, but happens all the time in TPA, for example, necessitating a nudge to save.  also, the delta quadrant ramp shot is wayyyyyyyyyyyy too easy in TPA.

Black Hole is a VERY accurate recreation (except for the backbox, which looks like crap compared to the real thing*).  the ball acts pretty much the same as the one in my basement.  the one physics error is that in real life, the re-entry gate is actually soft -- if a ball in the main playfield goes up the flipper lane and hits it with any velocity, it WILL push that gate open and drain.  it seems locked closed in TPA.  that's a pretty minor thing, though.

Taxi is probably the most like its real life counterpart overall. 

Funhouse is too easy.  the kickout and dead passes are both WAY too predictable.  same thing with BOP.

* Black Hole's backbox is gorgeous in real life.  it's got a motor that spins the vortex and astronauts in the middle, there are chaser lights that go around the frame, and the inside is double-mirrored to create an infinity effect -- it gives the backglass an illusion of infinite depth, and the chaser lights form a sort of endless light tunnel.  unfortunately, in TPA, the whole backbox is just a single static image sloppily pasted on to a flat surface. :(

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