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i spent sometime this weekend messing with all the settings on TPA to see which works the best. Unfortunately I can only play TPA when all the settings are off or on minimum, otherwise it plays in slow motion. Hopefully the new computer will solve this problem, but one thing I realised, even with everything off, dx9, furry balls, incorrect camera angles, basic sound card, and only the playfield monitor's a whole new experience playing this game on the cab.

I played 4 different tables and on the first go of three of them, I beat my high scores. I even demo'd a game for a friend and I must have been playing my first game for about 20min...which is good for me...though not so for him :)

It made me think, how good the games are when played like this. And how much better they'd be with full cab support. Everyone who visits wants a go and it's not even finished yet...but I can't get them off it.

So here's to hoping that after such a long, long, long time, Farsight will be able to offer full cab support because for the first time since owning these games, I'm actually very keen to see this happen. I promised myself I wouldn't buy any PC TPA games until cab support came out, but this week I took advantage of the summer sale, and have to say it was well worth it cause it was the only way I could find out if gameplay was better like this.

So here's hoping that CS will happen soon, it seems to be something that is very much in demand, and if it's not ready by the time my cab is fully finished, I think I might just send 1000s of emails to Farsight every day till it does as part of my very own internet campaign. :)

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