Clock & Battery meter showing when playing any table iOS 7.0.2


New member
Aug 10, 2013
Any table I play I have the Ipad mini, it shows the clock and battery meter at the top of the table, the text color is black, it's not to bad because it's small, but still ugly and takes away from the game.

Did not have this problem before upgrading my IOS to 7.0.2


New member
Apr 10, 2012
While on the subject of ios 7, has anyone else noticed touch interface lag when playing and in the menus? Sometimes when playing there is lag on my iphone 4s when pressing the screen area designated for a flipper. I press the screen and the flipper sometimes takes an extra half second or less to respond. Anyone else notice such an issue. I do use a screen protector but it is fairly clean and I didn't have this issue before ios 7.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
TPA i believe sent an update to apple last friday (a week ago) . this update is over due through apple review it should come through at any time. The clock and battery are fixed (or should be) .

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