Ok well that settles it then I no longer trust any of this guys scores. Lets see what they do about this one.
Now that the tourney is over, I've got to ask...how did this MOO guy do that? I'm barely computer-literate enough to print so I couldn't copy it, but come on, 65 kagillion points? Copy and paste? Bot (robot I'm guessin')? But if you're THAT good in pinball, hit the circuit and become a wizard. If it's software, go get a job. The NSA might be hiring. All you've done is equate your name with other dumbasses and provided the rest of us with a punch-line. You have given the true geek a bad name, those that still live at home because they're about to make a major break-thru in the real world versus the pimply-faced, one-handed-typing, never-seen-or-touched-a-real-breasted, D20 throwing mamma's boy who lost his virginity to a tube of hand lotion and his sisters bra.
Eh. Hard to get too motivated for a tournament when FarSight is still allowing false scores to propel people to first place. Especially after their support stops responding to emails after claiming it will be fixed.
But I do think 8 tables is too much, and 2 weeks is too long. I'd really prefer a true timed tournament. 20 minutes total. After that score is posted you don't get another. That would be a better test of skill.
Also, does anyone know how all time rank is calculated? Seems like a big point difference between finishing 1st and 2nd when the scores are updated, but I'm curious exactly how the calculations work.
simply a case of injecting the score, its not smart clever or funny really, even the brain dead can do it which is why so many do.
and theres nothing wrong with dnd lmao
dont let those weirdos bother you much buzz, theyll make you loose faith in the human race heh
we call thems script kiddies, tho in this case it doesnt even requiring as scriot at all its so easy.
with a small amount of experience itse wsh to tell whos above board etc so we just need suffer the fools
yup thats it. for the steam version I coded a way to encrypt the parameter payload to prevent this, I plan on rolling this out to every platform asap.