Request Cyclone and Nightmare on Elm Street tables?


New member
Nov 19, 2013
Hey guys and gals new to the forum. Cant wait to get the PS4 version of TPA lots of cool tables I grew up with. Any chance in seeing Cyclone or NOES? I remember playing Cyclone down the street at the local Bowling Alley all the time. I used to love it when you heard "Rrrrrrrriiiiiide the Ferris Wheel!" lol. Anyway hope to atleast see this table soon.


New member
Oct 28, 2013
There's a high chance for Cyclone, Nightmare on Elm Street might require a kickstarter for the rights.

I want to see the whole trilogy. Cyclone, Comet and Hurricane (even though Hurricane is pretty meh).


New member
Nov 3, 2013
Cyclone seems like it is not so much if but when. It is a very popular table that gets requested quite a bit and would not require any additional licenses. Right now they are making a new deal with Williams hopefully that deal includes Cyclone and honestly I would love to see Comet and Hurricane as well.

NOES on the other hand would require additional licenses which would almost certainly mean a Kickstarter would be needed. It may eventually come to TPA but I don't think it will be anytime soon. Kickstarter tables are not as common and probably the next one will be The Addams Family. Even if The Addams Family does not come through I still do not think NOES will be the next kickstarter.


New member
Nov 19, 2013
yeah I figured as much with NOES but if Cyclone hits TPA soon that will be super awesome as well as seeing its 2 successors. I do love the horror themed tables though and another one I would love to see is Mephisto I believe it was made by Cirsa-Unidesa 1987 I dont think that one would be hard to license at all.

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