Here's another question. If I have the two iPads, can I share any apps under the same active apple id or do I have to repurchase everything?
can I share any apps under the same active apple id
or do I have to repurchase everything?
TPA is very enjoyable on an iPad 2. Having said that, the higher resolution on the "3" is much better. Many of the tables' finer details are sort of vague on the 2, but are very clear on the 3. In terms of gameplay and speed, not much difference between the two. I have both iPads and the ONLY reason I continue to play on the 2 is because I haven't had a chance to move my high scores over.
Oh crap...I did upgrade my iPad 2 to ios6. I haven't played TPA since. Afraid to go look at that thread now.
I have both iPad2 and iPad3, both are updated to iOS6. No problems with Pinball Arcade on either device.