Dust: An Elyssian Tail


New member
Apr 16, 2012
The savior of Summer of Arcade 2012!

So after looking at all the SOA games, and at some point intending to buy them all, one by one they dropped off as inital impressions came in. I ended up buying Wreckateer as it's a fun Kinect game to play with the kids and was cheap enough, but Tony Hawk HD (it just doesnt feel like tony hawk), Deadlight (2 hours of gameplay), Hybrid (just not that much into shooters anymore) just didnt make it.

Finally Dust arrived, a game I was looking forward to for a few months and kept hearing more about (I'm into anything remotely "metroidvania"). And boy, what a cool game. Really really enjoying it's combat and RPG-systems, story, looks and sofar can't find anything to nag about. Give the demo a try if you can.

Brandon Debes

New member
Mar 29, 2012
I really wish the game's designer hadn't chosen the furry aesthetic for it, but I do enjoy the genre. So I'll probably play it eventually when it is the Deal of the Week. Would you say it is anything like Shadow Complex?


New member
Jun 12, 2012
(I'm into anything remotely "metroidvania").

then i'd advise you to try sega vintage: monster world collection for 800msp

it has 3 wonderboy games:

wonderboy in monsterland (arcade 1987) - the oldest one in the pack, and if youre not a fan allready probably wont like it that much becouse it pretty straitghtforward but hard as nails :) i loved this game back in the day on my amiga and also saw/played it a couple of times in the local arcades... well i still love it actually, and its music (have the monsterworld audio collection becouse of this ost) :)

wonderboy in monsterworld (sega genesis/megadrive 1991) - this has a more open world structure to it, and is a nice game in all... not as hard as the first one, but still challengin... and fun offcourse

monsterworld IV (sega genesis/megadrive 1994) - as above, a tad easier but the graphics really shine on this one, and the first official non japan version there is (the same goes for the monsterboy in wonderland, becouse the arcade version was never officialy released out of japan... all arcade english versions were bootlegged ones, with appalling translation to boot)

hm, actually maybe these games arent that much metroid-like but more side-scrolling-zelda like... which is what metroid actually is, a side-scrolling-zelda ;)
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Killer French Bread

New member
Aug 20, 2012
I still need to get the monster world compilation, I had two on the mega drive as a kid but never beat them. Although there's hardly any guarantee I'll be able too now - a quick revisit of alex kidd rminded me that I was probably better at games when I was younger than now.

I saw this Dust game earlier too, but was also put off by the style. That's probably a shallow reason to dismiss a game, but I wish there was more stuff with a badass style to it now, like old games such as probotector, musha and strider. Definitely a lack of badass-ness to some modern games, if they aren't realistic they all want to be arty or cute. Sometimes both.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
ooh, I'll have to check that out. The furrier the better as far as I am concerned }:).

I don't get the furry hate at all. Then I again I grew up with Disney's Robin Hood, Pooh, Thundercats, Ninja Turtles and other anthropmorphisized animals, so I don't even think of the characters as animals untill someone points it out.

I really wish the game's designer hadn't chosen the furry aesthetic for it, but I do enjoy the genre. So I'll probably play it eventually when it is the Deal of the Week. Would you say it is anything like Shadow Complex?
Hmm shadow complex is a complete Metroid loveletter. This is more of a sidescroll brawler with a combosystem where certain areas are shut away that you need skills for you acquire later, with RPG influences like statlevelling and loot. So it's more Castlevania SotN than Metroid/Shadow complex.
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