extra ball vs. the replay


New member
Apr 21, 2013
In my real arcade days my favorite tables like 8-ball deluxe and Centaur awarded a replay for each collected special and earning certain point values set by the arcade operator. As time progressed and these tables were replaced in arcades by newer / later tables changes begin to take place. Instead of a replay being awarded for points an extra ball was awarded in game instead. (this was likely under control of the arcade operator in the internal settings.) I also seen a few tables after dot matrix displays came into being offering you a chance to "buy a ball" to continue play.

In the virtual world i use a "replay" to replay the same table. If i do not get a replay i choose another table. Extra balls of course are used as extra balls in both worlds (real or virtual).

What changes did you observe in your area as pinball evolved over the years ?


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Umm...the cool Williams tables got replaced by cheap-looking, licensed Stern tables. : P


New member
Dec 19, 2012
The one thing I learned over the years is that on the newer tables, I think the DMD machines; the moment you won a game on score, the score to win another game on score increased by quite a bit.

The first time I experienced this on a machine, it p***ed me off.

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