Farsight what is the difference between the 0.99 and free version on IOS


New member
Aug 10, 2013
I have had Pinball Arcade for a long time, just recently I have relized there are TWO versions posted in the Apple APP store, one is free and one is $0.99.

I started out with the free version over a year ago and have purchased many tables since.

Am I missing something with the 0.99 version over the free version?! Please explain. Thanks!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Really not much of a difference at all. One came with a pin and the free version didn't. No need for both versions. Stick with what you have. You aren't missing anything.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
It's annoying isn't it. Because they look the same as icons, but if you need to reinstall for some reason (like, I dunno, a problem?) then it's hard to tell what is what. And that shouldn't be important, but if you get it wrong, it's back to square one.

As soon as you decided to buy the game, delete delete avoid delete the free one, it will only cause you headaches trying to get rid later.

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