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That would be a good idea but the poll should be more than just Yes/No since it happens in greatly varying degrees, based on different TVs and output settings.  It would have to have a range of options between none, very little, and a whole lot.

I for example have 1 TV* that its very noticeable on, 1 TV* that its just slightly noticeable on, and 1 TV (an old CRT I just pulled out to test TPA with) that has no lag whatsoever. 

So I would vote Yes - some, but its not nearly as bad for me as a guy on my friends list who has just 1 TV* and tells me that TPA is unplayable for him (even after I advised him of the optimal settings for both his TV and PS3).

*Disclaimer: All of these TVs play PHoF and Zen games with zero lag so its not "just the TV"..

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