iOS Flippers not aligned with yellow dots


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Medieval madness, funhouse and taxi all have yellow circles on the playfield at the spot where the flippers should pivot. However these pivotal points arent on this spot. I think this is an art issue on MM and funhouse.

I also believe that all 3 tables have flippers that arent mirrored perfectly, one of the 2 seems angled steeper than the other. You can spot it with a ruler. Maybe these 2 issues are connected?

edit: Taxi has the same ofset spots, but that one is explained by incorrect 3D modelling on the inlane rails and the flipper placement being wrong accordingly.
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New member
Jun 12, 2012
funhouse on xbox seems ok with me, medieval madness on the other hand -> its crooked for sure... its easly spottable with the flippers down, the left one is steeper, and when raised, the left one is shallower (whats the opposite of steep?)


Jul 11, 2012
On PS3 MM the dots make it really obvious as one is alot more visible than the other but upon looking at it longer there both askew.

Jason Juneau

FarSight Employee
Aug 10, 2012
The flipper positions and angles are done with numbers. The right flipper is an exact mirror of the left flipper. The cases where the flipper is not lining up with the hole in the floor, the problem is with the play field texture, not the flippers. In some cases the texture on the play field and the angle of the camera can give the optical illusion that the flippers are not the same. We are aware of the holes not lining up with the flippers and hope to get you fixes in the future.

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