Have playfield toy close ups gone for good?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm not sure how many people like the toy close ups ( Ringmaster, Rudy, Genie etc ) but personally I like them. The Frankie cam close up on Monster Bash introduced a camera bug that resulted with FS disabling the close up camera as a quick fix on this table and since then we haven't had any close ups on new tables. Tables that could have had a close up included since then are Harley ( the bike ), EATPM ( boogie men ) and NGG ( the Gofers! ). In NGG the gofers are the main theme of the table and we never get a good look at them as they are way up the playfield, are relatively small and are half hidden by the plastic above. I have read some people wishing they didn't have to watch the close ups over and over and maybe they have a point ( although it doesn't bother me ), perhaps FS could limit the close ups to once per game or add an option to disable altogether.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I think an option would be good. Personally, I can do without them, but I'd like to see the option for those who enjoy them.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
The only reason I ever like them was so I could get a good detailed look at them. If we'd just get a free roam camera like Zen, I would never need a close-up again! Another option would be to enable it if you have the table in scrolling view, disable if you have the table angle locked. For once I'd like to actually see the light show in BoP!


New member
Feb 21, 2012
The only reason I ever like them was so I could get a good detailed look at them. If we'd just get a free roam camera like Zen, I would never need a close-up again! Another option would be to enable it if you have the table in scrolling view, disable if you have the table angle locked. For once I'd like to actually see the light show in BoP!

Freeeeeeeee Roaaaaaaam, Faaaaaaar Siiiiiigggggght

(edit: My 300th post, it seems. And what an enlightening, and educational one it WASN'T....:) )
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