Horizontal vs Vertical


New member
Dec 27, 2013
Of all the tables in TPA, does anyone find that some play "better" with one orientation versus the other? I like to play AFM because I work on my aiming and my touch. My scoring average overall has improved. Is it me? I'm playing other tables to see how my scoring does. So the question is, horizontal or vertical?

Your thoughts, please.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
i play em all on ipad in portrait mode, but if i'm forced to play on the phone there's not enough room so i go landscape


New member
Jun 4, 2012
for a long time it was portrait and low view for me, then i swithed to topdown which is now labeled high. maybe im not used to it but i find landscape akward.

conversely zen is better suited to landscape imo


Jan 30, 2013
For me it's different views for different tables. Mostly I use portrait, but sometimes landscape. And with landscape I also use the closest view, nothing else. If the playfield is mainly bottom half of table, landscape can be better. Aiming can be improved for some angles but overall view is worse, so things like multiball is harder. Scrolling works different for different tables and mostly it makes playing harder so that is a factor too. And upper flipper timing is a lot harder in landscape for me so unfortunately it's portrait for me on NGG, even though I find the hole-in-one much easier in landscape.
The table that works best for landscape for me is Champions pub. Scrolling works great as well and doesn't affect gameplay flow, only improves it.
I also use landscape on Creature. The snackbar is VERY easy to hit and a very important shot, although scrolling doesn't work in multiball it's still worth it.
AFM is easier in landscape but the scrolling sucks, but without it you won't see the multiplier rollovers, so I stick to portrait. The difference isn't huge anyways.
Fish tales works pretty good in landscape too, as do other tables, but generally I prefer portrait and stick to that unless the difference is huge for important shots or the playfield layout is good for landscape.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
conversely zen is better suited to landscape imo

I used to think the same, but switched to portrait in Zen a couple of months back, and after a bit of getting used to it, upper flipper shot accuracy has massively increased my scores.
Challenge is finding a camera view angle where your thumbs don't cover the flippers, but the screen isn't always twitching and moving about.
Plus the physics look stranger in portrait than landscape.


New member
Dec 27, 2013
Having nothing else better to do, I went thru all the tables, playing them portrait and landscape. It seems on several tables, the stuttering, the lag time, whatever you'd like to call it, was apparent on the portrait games, and less so on the landscape. ToM was especially noticible, with the ball "jumping" an inch or so in its travels.


New member
Jan 20, 2014

I mostly play all tables in landscape mode.
I find it hard to tilt the table if it is in portrait mode.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
I used to play in landscape.
Then I played the PC version in portrait.
Now I play the iOS version in portrait (with a BT controller where possible)

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