Request How About A Multi-Table Kickstarter?


New member
Sep 1, 2012
It had to happen sooner or later—we now know from the HRC Twitchcast that a fourth Kickstarter is on the horizon. Given both how long it took for that to happen and the crowdsourcing burnout that was starting to set in after the T2 Kickstarter, FS have to make the most of this how about having other desirable tables as stretch goals? Jurassic Park is a natural fit and it seems we ALL want LOTR and TSPP, but there are plenty of other tables that deserve a shot that might not get a chance otherwise (*cough* Stargate *cough* Baywatch *cough* Mary Shelley's Frankenstein). I'd love to hear what you guys would like to see on this front, as well as whether or not something like this could be arranged reasonably quickly, free of complication and in a way that would make it so that at least one stretch goal gets completed.


Apr 7, 2014
Surely a dream but I'd give a lot for Back To The Future

As much as I'd like to see that table, there are so many other better ones to Kickstart first.

After TAF, TSPP should be a pretty high priority since nearly everyone wants it. Personally, I'd rather have "Indiana Jones", but I'm not sure how feasible that one is anymore?


Mar 25, 2013
I like the idea of second table stretch goal. But it would have to make sense to whatever table they are doing. Terminator 3 as a stretch goal for the Terminator 2 Kickstarter would have been perfect. Although that KS was pretty tight on meeting its goal as is though.

If the Kickstarter is Addams Family (which it likely is) maybe a stretch goal could be an additional Addams Family Collectors Edition table, which is mainly just cosmetic changes. Although Addams Family CE might make a better higher end tier reward to get people to fork over some extra money - particularly if they make it exclusive limited run to Kickstarter backers.


Apr 7, 2014
I like the idea of second table stretch goal. But it would have to make sense to whatever table they are doing. Terminator 2 would have been perfect as the Terminator 3 table could have been the stretch goal - that KS was pretty tight on meeting its goal as is though.

If the Kickstarter is Addams Family (which it likely is) maybe a stretch goal could be an additional Addams Family Collectors Edition table, which is mainly just cosmetic changes. Although Addams Family CE might make a better higher end tier reward to get people to fork over some extra money - particularly if they make it exclusive limited run to Kickstarter backers.

It could work, but I doubt they do so.
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Mar 25, 2013
I just meant that if you donated extra, you'd get both versions, as a tier reward.

Yeah, the more I'm thinking about it I like the idea of it as a specific tier reward to get the CE as bonus table. Could even do something like a 300 person limit at a $100 tier. Would be up $30,000 right there if it fills up. And make it exclusive to the Kickstarter which would make a bit unique.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
They did initially try to do TNG as a stretch goal for the TZ kickstarter. Didn't quite make it, but they carried over the funds to its own KS.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
+1 to the idea of doing TAFG as a KS tier bonus. It might get me to chip in that bit extra. And since my wife put $50 towards the Reading Rainbow KS, I'm owed doing one of my own.

The only difficulty I can see is FS getting hold of a TAFG and being allowed to strip it down.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
+1 to the idea of doing TAFG as a KS tier bonus. It might get me to chip in that bit extra. And since my wife put $50 towards the Reading Rainbow KS, I'm owed doing one of my own.

The only difficulty I can see is FS getting hold of a TAFG and being allowed to strip it down.

Would they need to buy one? Are the parts not just recoloured? If they buy and strip a regular, they could just take photos of the gold version and recolour as appropriate? I know the ROM is different, but you don't need the machine for that.

On the surface it seems feasible to do that without having to buy a real one. Maybe source one for pictures, but not buy it. Or is it more complex than that?


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Would they need to buy one? Are the parts not just recoloured? If they buy and strip a regular, they could just take photos of the gold version and recolour as appropriate? I know the ROM is different, but you don't need the machine for that.

On the surface it seems feasible to do that without having to buy a real one. Maybe source one for pictures, but not buy it. Or is it more complex than that?

My understanding is that there are more than just cosmetic changes. Anyway, they couldn't just do a palette swap, they'd have to do a full scan and replication of the physical table - that's in the terms of the broader licensing agreement that allows FS to reproduce the pins in the first place.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
My understanding is that there are more than just cosmetic changes. Anyway, they couldn't just do a palette swap, they'd have to do a full scan and replication of the physical table - that's in the terms of the broader licensing agreement that allows FS to reproduce the pins in the first place.

I can't see FS wanting to go through all that hassle for a slightly different colour scheme, but if they make a tonne of money from the Kickstarter they might not mind!


New member
Jul 28, 2013
they could potentially double up I believe

The Simpsons / Simpsons Pinball Party

Jurassic Park / The Lost World


New member
Oct 20, 2012
As much as I'd like to see that table, there are so many other better ones to Kickstart first.

After TAF, TSPP should be a pretty high priority since nearly everyone wants it. Personally, I'd rather have "Indiana Jones", but I'm not sure how feasible that one is anymore?

Somewhat OT-I'm surprised we haven't seen any Indy-love on Zen Pinball yet, given that he's now the IP of some rodent. And Zen has an inside track to said IP.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
It'd be quite hard to justify the work for DE Simpsons, since it's the same amount of labor as TSPP but the latter would easily outsell it by a multiple of 5x or 10x.

Jurassic Park / Lost World might make sense together, although it's still hard to see them together accounting for 2x the sales of either alone.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
I could see TSPP and Family Guy doing a KICKSTARTER together since they're both highly requested and both owned by Fox. I'd love to see an attempt on Doctor Who and JUDGE DREDD. I think who fans alone would fund it. But mostly I'd want to see an action table pack with any combo of DM, LW3 or LAH and The Shadow. All games that have no shot having kickstarters on their own.


It had to happen sooner or later—we now know from the HRC Twitchcast that a fourth Kickstarter is on the horizon. Given both how long it took for that to happen and the crowdsourcing burnout that was starting to set in after the T2 Kickstarter, FS have to make the most of this how about having other desirable tables as stretch goals? Jurassic Park is a natural fit and it seems we ALL want LOTR and TSPP, but there are plenty of other tables that deserve a shot that might not get a chance otherwise (*cough* Stargate *cough* Baywatch *cough* Mary Shelley's Frankenstein). I'd love to hear what you guys would like to see on this front, as well as whether or not something like this could be arranged reasonably quickly, free of complication and in a way that would make it so that at least one stretch goal gets completed.

Interesting idea. I could see lots of people throwing money at it hoping to get their favourite table, but then being angry if it doesn't happen "right now!!"

Plus there is the knock on effect of "promises" being made during the kickstarter, or at any-time, by FarSight being taken as Guarantees by "fans" of TPA. This then leads to indeterminate periods of drama and tension as people go quote hunting looking for that perfect "Gotcha!" moment to prove that what was said actually meant what the reader thought it did.

SO, if FS were to even mention any licensed titles as possible stretch goals, and then found that they could not come to an agreement on the license, then there is more potential for pinball drama that could simply be avoided by not listing any titles and merely stating clearly and openly something like: "we will use any and all money above and beyond the goal of X to work towards bringing you more licensed titles, faster."

IDK though, it's your idea. Maybe FS is listening and will take a bit from A and a bit from B


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'd be happy with a non-licensed tag along as a reward. Such as
Clear the goal by $5,000 and everyone will get a free copy of Jive Time, and at $15,000 over the goal we get Sorcerer free.
Maybe something like that.

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