Instructions for Class of 1812

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012

Since Co1812 crashes upon launching the instructions on iPad1 could anyone post the instructions for the Wizard Goals for Co1812. Just a brief would be enough!

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Collect Jackpot - After a multiball round ends, alternating the two ramps when the red light is lit adds a letter to Coffin. Complete coffin to collect a 2 million point Jackpot

Earn the Bonus Level Special - Completing certain features will elevate your Bonus Level, at 25, you will be awarded a rap. Completing 6 of these collects a Special.

Earn the Bat-O-Meter Special - Complete the white target bank five times, then shoot the spinner to collect your Special.

Advance the Multiplier to 7x - Complete the Adv X rollover lanes 7 times.

Earn 30,000,000 Points - You know what to do ;)

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
Man, these goals were really difficult. The bat-o-meter targets are quite difficult to hit, the bonus-meter I really don't get...and above everything, this table is a drain monster!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Yeah it is a drain monster. Every multiball seems to have at least one ball ticketed directly for an outlane. :mad:

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