iOS 7.0.2 has been released...


New member
Oct 5, 2012
For those that are running iOS 7.0.x, iOS 7.0.2 has been released, at least for the iPhone 5...I won't have access to any iPad models to check if they have the update as well (and will maybe cancel out the 7.0 update, forced, but not installed onto my iPad mini) until later today or tomorrow. Be careful out there! ;)
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New member
Oct 5, 2012
Thanks guys. My iPad 4 shows it as available. iPad 3 and mini likely have the update as well...not that I'm really interested in installing it, I mostly want to see if the full ~900 MB update has been automatically pushed to the iPad mini again & if so, if the 7.0 update is still sitting alongside it hogging up even more space. :(


New member
Jul 29, 2012
I updated my iPad 2 from 6-something to 7.0.2 last night. it crashed and went into recovery mode and I had to restore factory settings.
However, after I restored my apps (had no trouble restoring purchases for TPA) the game seemed at least as smooth as before. No issues to report (other than MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP YOUR STUFF). It could have been my imagination, but the colors seemed sharper as well.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
I updated my iPad 2 from 6-something to 7.0.2 last night. it crashed and went into recovery mode and I had to restore factory settings.
However, after I restored my apps (had no trouble restoring purchases for TPA) the game seemed at least as smooth as before. No issues to report (other than MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP YOUR STUFF). It could have been my imagination, but the colors seemed sharper as well.
noticing better color quality on the iPad Mini as well as far as the crash my iP4 did that i had most backed up except a few things i had to restore from purchases in the APP store.

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