Zen's Williams Classic Arcade/Pro physics is a mixed bag at the moment. For the first three Volumes they were still refining the physics so the ball was flying across the screen with no weight, flipper tricks don't work that well, especially e.g. tip-passes. In Volume 4 they already improved it a lot, but since Universal Monsters the physics is quite decent and plays realistic. My favourite tables out of the released bunch are Road Show, Space Station, Monster Bash and No Good Gophers. On the Arcade 1UP cabinet, they updated the Vol 1 - 3 tables to have similar physics to the Universal Monsters tables and later. Let's see what they do in Pinball FX, but it will certainly play much better and more realistic than FX3's Volumes 1 - 3.P.S. Zen did say that they will update FX3's Volumes 1 - 3, but that hasn't happened yet, unfortunately.
Zen's Williams Classic Arcade/Pro physics is a mixed bag at the moment. For the first three Volumes they were still refining the physics so the ball was flying across the screen with no weight, flipper tricks don't work that well, especially e.g. tip-passes. In Volume 4 they already improved it a lot, but since Universal Monsters the physics is quite decent and plays realistic. My favourite tables out of the released bunch are Road Show, Space Station, Monster Bash and No Good Gophers. On the Arcade 1UP cabinet, they updated the Vol 1 - 3 tables to have similar physics to the Universal Monsters tables and later. Let's see what they do in Pinball FX, but it will certainly play much better and more realistic than FX3's Volumes 1 - 3.
P.S. Zen did say that they will update FX3's Volumes 1 - 3, but that hasn't happened yet, unfortunately.