Isn't selling a season pass similar to a magazine subscription?


New member
Sep 28, 2013
I'm disappointed I can't buy all of season 3 together. Its the same model as a magazine subscription.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Not really. A magazine subscription, at least on iOS allows you to suspend and resume your subscription (in case you don't want a particular "issue"), and it applies for a block of time - you don't have seasons, you just get the next N tables.

A season pass is more like a table pack, which is a fixed set of tables that you get all of. The problem here is that since the 10 or so tables aren't know, people complained because the end of season 2 consisted of a bunch of Gottlieb tables that weren't as fun so people felt ripped off. Especially compared with the start of the season. Season 3 looks to be doing the same thing. Given the price of tables, if there's only 5 or 6 of them that you like, it's cheaper to buy them individually than as a bundle.

The season pass will be offered once season 3 is over so no one can complain about being ripped off because the table list is known.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Not really. A magazine subscription, at least on iOS allows you to suspend and resume your subscription (in case you don't want a particular "issue"), and it applies for a block of time - you don't have seasons, you just get the next N tables.

A season pass is more like a table pack, which is a fixed set of tables that you get all of. The problem here is that since the 10 or so tables aren't know, people complained because the end of season 2 consisted of a bunch of Gottlieb tables that weren't as fun so people felt ripped off. Especially compared with the start of the season. Season 3 looks to be doing the same thing. Given the price of tables, if there's only 5 or 6 of them that you like, it's cheaper to buy them individually than as a bundle.

The season pass will be offered once season 3 is over so no one can complain about being ripped off because the table list is known.

The only problems with this are: (A)-Unless there are more than four tables you don't really care for, it's more cost-effective to buy the season pass, and (B)-Those who'd buy their tables pro. It's cheaper to buy the season pass if going pro is what you'd like to do.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Well, let's say you just came off of season 2. And season 3 is starting. What would you do? Make the assumption that season 3 would start off great so people would buy season passes, then end in the disaster that was season 2? (And given the way conveniently how Season 3 kicked off with a good table, meant extra-pissed off people who came off of season 2 passes). So it's not really a huge surprise that people complained, and loudly.

And yes, a season makes sense in some instances. But that only works if you know what tables were there at the beginning. Since FarSight doesn't really work that way (it depends on table availability and other factors), the season passes had to go, because Season 2 made the "might be cheaper individually" package actually doable.

Going pro changes the number of tables a little, but not by much. Season 2 Pro might be worth it (I think there were just enough good tables there). But it depends, since Pro is $10 more for a season pass, and pro tables were around $2 more or so.

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