Leaderboard score has been stuck for months now



My leader board score hasn't gone up in 3 months even though It seem to when i get a high score on a table that does not translate to my total score advancing any longer.

I noticed this sometime in June.

I have tried logging out of my account but to no effect.

any ideas?


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
This is not the Junkyard thing? If you got a bunch of HOF points from that table, they could have vanished because they upscaled the HOF requirements scores with the update after Junkyard was already released some time. I lost around 800 points that way and only when I passed my own HOF total score again (on Gamecenter and in TPA), it registered a higher score. I believe the timing also could be right when compared to what you say in your post. Otherwise I don't know, you could backup your scores and re-install instead of only logging in/out, but experiences with this differ, so don't shoot me if you lose everything :)
Good luck,


New member
Apr 5, 2013
i read this thread expecting to read about the top 3 places on the leaderboard all being hackeroonies ..... but i was wrong.

#1 has 7M points, #2 has 6M, #3 has 1M ......
only at #4 do the real scores start with 36,347 points (i assume that's real)

anyway yes, if your score isn't going up then i agree, you may have to wait until you go past the score you had before JY got readjusted..... also try logging out and in again of GameCentre and TPA etc.... good luck.

back up remotely after every extra point.


i Wish it was just about Junk Yard.

Its all tables, even new ones where i get a brand new high score. I did try logging out but, but that didn't help.

Playing on iOS 7.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I just checked my Game Center total and The Pinball Arcade total and had 3,606 points on each. I am playing on a 1st gen mini iPad with iOS 7. I know when the Junkyard table came out the Hall of Fame points remained the same on the Game Center leader board but were different on The Pinball Arcade app with most people being robbed of hard earned points. I got off pretty easy compared to most and only lost 300 points or so...


New member
Feb 2, 2013
My 1000 on Junk Yard became a 55. I'm guessing I'm still working that off, but thanks to some email/login data screwups, I now have two Farsight accounts and need to get them merged to get my true score in one place & figure out what I need to score to actually get my score moving. The leaderboard has me stuck in 95th place & I kind of want to get a bit higher than that...

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