May Android BETA

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Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Is it due about now?

Looking forward to playing multiball with the ball collision fixed.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Is it due about now?

Looking forward to playing multiball with the ball collision fixed.

Think it was the 9th last month, but who knows when (apart from Ryan). Hopefully lots of fixes, and new good stuff getting put in.

Looking forward to the new tables.
Looking forward to controller support (hopefully configurable).
Looking forward to a bare wood floor, and the ritualistic burning of the old carpet.
Looking forward to (but less optimistic) upward nudge with its own touchscreen area (pleeeease).
Looking forward to (but less optimistic) rom emulated BK. Can't wait for that! :)

Also don't know if this has been mentioned to get it fixed, but why does TPA only support 2 simultaneous touchscreen presses?
It's not my device (other apps support more than two touches) seems TPA specific and confirmed on several Android devices.
Drained a few balls whilst cradling and trying to nudge simultaneously) would be great to get that resolved (probably not this month though eh).
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New member
Apr 4, 2012
Think it was the 9th last month, but who knows when (apart from Ryan). Hopefully lots of fixes, and new good stuff getting put in.

Looking forward to the new tables.
Looking forward to controller support (hopefully configurable).
Looking forward to a bare wood floor, and the ritualistic burning of the old carpet.
Looking forward to (but less optimistic) upward nudge with its own touchscreen area (pleeeease).
Looking forward to (but less optimistic) rom emulated BK. Can't wait for that! :)

Also don't know if this has been mentioned to get it fixed, but why does TPA only support 2 simultaneous touchscreen presses?
It's not my device (other apps support more than two touches) seems TPA specific and confirmed on several Android devices.
Drained a few balls whilst cradling and trying to nudge simultaneously) would be great to get that resolved (probably not this month though eh).

Looking forward to (but less optimistic) User configurable camera angle

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Looking forward to (but less optimistic) User configurable camera angle

I know it's all personal preference, but I wasn't too bothered about that. I'm quite happy with existing portrait camera angles. I wish they were consistent table to table, and had table specific memory settings for each table like Zen though.

Event camera toggle switch would be nice though, for those struggling with DD, TZ and BH, and would catch us up with ios.


It sounds like the iOS beta has been released already from the chatter on the Centaur thread. Hopefully the Android one will drop today.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Definitely looking forward to some more emulated old-school tables.

Based on how fun and well-executed Space Shuttle is, I can't wait to try out some more tables that I've never had a shot at before.

One question with these older tables, there isn't much Alpha-blending happening with flashers. I know Space Shuttle has flashers under the SPACE and SHUTTLE lenses, but they don't seem to pop as much as the cylindrical flashers.

Perhaps it is because the environmental effects have to have some environment to bounce off. Maybe Ryan can confirm.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Based on history it's not due to drop untik tomorrow or friday. We usually get ours aweek or so after ios

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Hey guys :) should be coming out today or tomorrow. Had a hell of a time catching up after my trip and they have me working on some tournament stuff as we start to make the change to multiple tournaments and progression features. Stay tuned!

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
so it seems that some features were added to ios while I was on vacation, so I may be a day late on the build because I want to make sure you guys get as much of the new stuff as possible too. Stay tuned.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Going by the IOS bug thread...minus some niggling issues, I can forsee our bug list being as follows:

Bug 1: This pack is way too much fun
Bug 2: This much polish is simply unacceptable
Bug 3: Physics are so good that now we have to tune real life physics to match


New member
Jan 10, 2013
I can't wait. Ive been wanting pin*bot (the table I grew up with) since I first discovered TPBA. I've been hitting "Reload" on this thread since yesterday.
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