Bug Missing ball, unable to continue


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
I gotta chime in. I've played this table to death.

I used to see this bug a lot. Always on a multiball. The vari-target seemed to be the culprit most of the time. (a nod will go to the right ramp ball lock and/or ball diverter)

Over time, this problem has somehow eliminated itself. I hardly ever see this anymore.

On more than one occasion, on a multiball, I have sent two balls, in rapid succession, to the vari-target and trapping the third on a flipper. From there, one ball will come out of the side of the vari-target and one will come from the plunger. The add-a-ball reward isn't anywhere in the scenario either.

I thought my PS3 was adapting to the code.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Don't know if this will help pinpoint the missing ball issue others are having, but there is at least a little weirdness going on with the vari-target:

Occasionally I have managed to get a ball stuck behind the vari-target in multiball. What happens is that I shoot the vari-target, and then right when the ball is being ejected and the vari-target is about to reset to its usual position, I shoot a second ball into the scoop. Very rarely this second ball gets past the vari-target (which is now in the extended position) somehow and gets stuck. This causes the controller to rumble constantly, which I think means the ball is still physically back there and is colliding with the back of the vari-target.

Each time this has happened to me (which has only been 3 or 4 times in the course of hundreds of games played), Call Attendant will fix the issue once the stuck ball is the only one left on the table.


New member
Jul 8, 2012
I've just had this missing ball bug on ipad2, no tilting, call attendant or ball search resolves it. Gotta be honest, I'm a bit of a button masher on this table as its my least favourite of all the tables so I can't be sure how or when it happened, in terms of what shots i had made, except I was on about 18 million and at the end of a multiball.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
Thanks Squid, I'll mess around with the Vari target a bit and see if I can get something bad to happen.

Attempt Frog Frenzys with Multi-ball. That will eventually bring it. I haven't seen the bug in a while, however I have avoided multi-ball FF after it locked me out from my best game I have ever had. So I don't risk it. Good Luck!!!


New member
Jul 18, 2012
I just encountered it again just now. I was having an amazing game. So glad it wasnt deep in the points. I was un a puke multuball, i had never scored so many jackpots and jackpots in a single multi ball, i was in the zone, then while i still had two balls from puke multiball i hit frog frenzy, i did a bunch of jackpots, again and the frog frenzy was done, and i had only one ball but still had the music from the puke multiball.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
I've been seeing this bug happen more after the change in the ball physics. It's been happening on Atlantis too. Aahrrgh!

One quick note... on single ball play, I had a ball go behind the vari-target (upper left quadrant, near the bumpers), a small pause then, a ball being auto-launched from the plunger. Something to look into, perhaps.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
Just hit hit the bug again. It appears to show on my best games in a very consistent manner. Meaning i score many jackpots on Atlantis, 5+. For some reason it appears there, if i just suck on this multiball, even if it last as long, I wont hit the mighty bug. Uuhhhh.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
So now this time is for real. I am not chasing atlantis or frog frenzy as I did before, and very succesfully, my problem is that i come back and try to score on them again as soon as i forget about the pain of 2 hrs wasted just to chase 60 million tops in my case.


New member
Jul 18, 2012
This went to the craper with 6 extraballs and 200 million tour bonus, this could have been a 5 billion game. DAMN!!


New member
Jan 24, 2013
I just ran into the 'missing ball' bug for the first time with a game this morning on my tablet... twice, actually, because both times "call attendant" didn't work, but the first time, I was able to free the ball by judicious nudging.

Both times I was playing 'puke' multiball (refining my multiball tracking skills) with multiple balls in the upper pop bumpers [i.e. behind the vari-target] area when one less ball returned from that area. Repeated (quick) right nudges seemed to free the ball the first time, as it seemed that the ball was somehow trapped under the right ramp. The second time this didn't work (despite success and getting no warnings the first time, I deliberately increased force until I tilted out trying to free the ball the second time. Stuck on different geometry maybe?)

I'm so furious. This game was going brilliantly: "ball 1" with 3+ extra balls stacked, first-ever trip to Atlantis, only a few shots away from Frog Frenzy (my other only remaining Wizard goal), and I was very close to closing in on 1000 HoF points ... rassin' frassin' buck toothed flat footin' no-good dirty fillabusterin' tutti frutti varmint....


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Here the same on an android tablet. It happened in "North America". Ball disappeared. Attendant refused to do his job which could be another bug. It seems that Farsight don't care.

Two more balls stuck but were fixed by the table. RBION is the only table where I have problems so far.

Jim O'Brien

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Encountered this today on Android after Frog Frenzy multiball my score was not as high as some of yours and trust me when I say I feel your pain, don't really play this table too much. The most disappointing thing was I do not have the standard goals finished yet and I know from the PS3 version Frog Frenzy is one of the wizard goals.

Basically the machine goes through the ball finder cycle multiple times and you get this message on the DMD

http:// [url=http://postimg.org/image/nqpovziw7/] [/URL]
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Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
The problem of scoring high on this game is not so much about actually getting the points, it's avoiding the game breaking bugs along the way. I can't bother anymore, if it isn't the ball missing bug it's the other (bonus related) one.

Mark Miwurdz

New member
Apr 7, 2012
My tactic is to avoid all multiballs. They're not where the big scoring is done anyway. When I get one, I trap a ball on the left flipper and let the rest drain.

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