I like older and newer pinball games. I would love to see EMs in Pinball arcade, especially ones from the 70s (when they had 3 inch flippers and drop targets). I definitely want to see some Gottlieb machines, but I like some from Bally and Williams, as well. I also like 50s and 60s machines and how a few of them were about getting the ball in the right hole to earn credits (though I hope Farsight does something with credits when or if these come around). Many from that era had unique rules like a baseball themed game that counts runs or a tic tac toe grid, as well.One thing I noticed about a few of the late EMs that had SS models is that the SS version is often the more common one. The EM for Mati Hari is rare.
I like older and newer pinball games. I would love to see EMs in Pinball arcade, especially ones from the 70s (when they had 3 inch flippers and drop targets). I definitely want to see some Gottlieb machines, but I like some from Bally and Williams, as well. I also like 50s and 60s machines and how a few of them were about getting the ball in the right hole to earn credits (though I hope Farsight does something with credits when or if these come around). Many from that era had unique rules like a baseball themed game that counts runs or a tic tac toe grid, as well.
One thing I noticed about a few of the late EMs that had SS models is that the SS version is often the more common one. The EM for Mati Hari is rare.