Most troublesome table


New member
Dec 27, 2013
There are tables, IRL and in TPA, that just give me fits! "Cactus Canyon" and "Dr Dude" are two that come to mind. Maybe it's just me gettin' old, but the table graphics make it hard for me to track the ball. Games not as "busy" are the ones that I tend to score better on. How about you? Which table or tables cause you trouble? Why?


Active member
Aug 2, 2013
I don't know how old you are but I'm 57 and I know what your talking about. There are some tables I have to use a different color ball depending on the playfield. The IPhone 4S doesn't help.


New member
May 18, 2012
I am 41, one of the things that give me trouble is camera motion. I always turn it off. First I find it more realistic, second it makes me feel dizzy and weird in the head if the camera constantly hovers and moves over the table. It makes me tired and stressed. As far as graphics goes, the only table that's just a big clutter is El Dorado.


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I just turned 55, and I never thought about changing the color of the ball. I'll try that next time I play! And I too turn off the camera motion, it makes my head hurt. Playing on my iPhone is only an emergency, my thumbs get in the way, and the ball moves waaay too fast. Thanks for all your input, guys!


New member
Dec 11, 2013
I actually find the camera motion helpful sometimes if I lose track of the ball. If it's zoomed to the upper playing field I can be assured it's nowhere near the flippers. When the camera pulls back it's a "heads up" that the ball is coming my way.

BTW. I'm 48 and I'm getting the sense I might be close to the average user age. That's a comforting thought.


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I actually find the camera motion helpful sometimes if I lose track of the ball. If it's zoomed to the upper playing field I can be assured it's nowhere near the flippers. When the camera pulls back it's a "heads up" that the ball is coming my way.

BTW. I'm 48 and I'm getting the sense I might be close to the average user age. That's a comforting thought.

If you think about it, we're the age group that was really into pinball. We didn't have Nintendo, 300 channels on TV. It's our age group that INVENTED game consoles. Not to knock the younger guys, but we also played outside. Once we got older, more settled, bought houses, and had kids, we couldn't afford the money OR the time to play pinball. When I saw TPA, it was like seeing the Holy Grail. All these tables and it's cheaper than what it costs to run a real table for a year!

And no, we didn't walk to school barefoot, in snow, and uphill both ways.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
I don't know how old you are but I'm 57 and I know what your talking about. There are some tables I have to use a different color ball depending on the playfield. The IPhone 4S doesn't help.
I admire you play TPA on an iPhone by the age! I'm 43 but for me an iPad is the minimum screen size to comfortably play with. Then when I played TPA on the PC (with my screen in portrait) I found most tables easier than on an iPad since I could aim shots with much better accuracy due to the physical size of the flipper and ball. Well, I digressed.


New member
Dec 11, 2013
If you told my 12 year old self that some day I'd have some of my favorite pinball tables available to play on a handheld device I would just collapse in disbelief.

When I heard about TPA and tried Genie (which I played in the local bowling alley when it was brand new) - the sounds and music just brought me back instantly.
I didn't hesitate to get pro packs of every table.
I would have paid double which is still a bargain considering the fortune in quarters I invested in the past.

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