No hope for planet earth (iOS PBA user reviews)

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Tons of. 1 star reviews. Here's what I've noticed:

1 star for new interface. I agree it could be better, but it's an improvement over what we had and does that really make the entire game 1 star? I could see going from 5 stars to 4 over minor flaws.

These reviews sound like they were written by spoiled 7 year olds. Some of them don't even seem like they can read and write. "Star trek ib 1 dollar it's bug there" 1 star.

Other one star reviews are because people expect all 22 tables for .99 cents. Are people this stupid that they can't tell the difference between quality and free/.99 cent flash game drivel? Man the gaming industry is in trouble.

What else. Oh a guy gave 1 star because no 360 versions yet. Lol. Others can't figure out how to play in portrait, 1 star. It just goes on and on.

I wrote a glowing review, if you have 30 seconds free today write a user review that's not retarded.
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
You asked....Are people this stupid?

Yes, yes they are.
I don't even read them anymore. People expect the world for $.99.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012

And zen has the same problem. " Only one free table, the rest are hidden behind pay wall!! Omg you expect me to pay 2 dollars for a marvel table!!! 1 star"

Jesus. And what's worse is other pinball games which rank between amateurish to flat out awful get glowing reviews cause they're 99 cents or free.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Cheap means good to some people. They obviously know nothing about pinball, licensing costs, or good table physics.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Why pay 4.99 for Steak, when I can have rat-burger for free!

That's pretty much the mentality of the iOS crowd. I'm ashamed to be associated with these morons.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
There are many apps that have what I would call hidden costs associated with them, but FS and Zen are very upfront about their pricing of tables. Heck, even FS let's you preview each table for free! No bait n switch going on here.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I am still relatively new to iPhone and iOS.

I have purchased some Cave STGs and they were between 10 and 15 bucks a piece. Worth every penny. I could download some crap free space shooter but lol yea no thanks.

I also got a great port of Ace Attourney for 4.99. Which is a steal, the DS game would have at least cost 20 dollars (and it's worth every bit of 20 dollars). Now I'm sure there's some basement or Chinese knockoff for 2 cents again, why would you waste your time?

I laughed at how bad that Angry Birds game is. Um, I played that on a computer for free in college or something incredibly similar in college killing time between classes.

So to me paying .99 cents for crap is a ripoff but 20 dollars for quality is a steal. I mean sheesh I could probably make 59.99 go a long ass way in the Xbox indies section of Xbox live. But sorry I value my brain cells too much to do such a thing.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
This is somewhat related. I bought Binary Domain, a fantastic and under rated 3rd person shooter, for 59.99 the day it came out. Yet u get patronized by people who purchased the Steam version for 2 dollars during some sale.

Hey good for you. Now if Sega only sells 15 million more copies at that price they might actually break even on the games production cost! You sure showed me what a stupid person I am for supporting a quality game from a developer I love!

Honestly this entitled generation of gamers is going to lead to a market crash. Just look at what happened to psvita, the first major victim to android/iOS and the 99 cent crap market.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
I wrote a paragraph long review for pba a few weeks back. It think 1star reviews are common with all software, as there is no filter for trolls on the App store. Similarly, I have seen many overly glowing reviews for obviously bad software ---ie. plants, or paid reviews. So the system is ultimately flawed. However, at least it is still possible to post or read a well written review, but ultimately we have to make the judgement call whether the software is worth it or not. This underlies the importance of continuing developer support and feedback.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Yeah the average human being is a complete moron.

They should just add a captcha to writing a the example given most captchas contain more characters than the review would itself. Might be a decent deterrent.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
They should post your IQ next to your review. It would make them more fun to read.
I feel the same way about Facebook too. Many good posters, but too many nuts.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Ha ha...i remember when all Facebook statuses by default started with the word "is..."

You would always have a group of people with statuses like "thinking" (no you're not) or "wondering".

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Well when I was getting apps, I paid attention to the ratings and reviews. Not now. Now I need to use my own mind. But I'm sure there are a lot of people who do, and Farsight has lost alot of potential sales because of it.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
I could easily see giving the app one star if I wasn't a huge pinball fan. The new interface is extremely buggy and crashes on my phone/ipad more often than it gets me to a game. Any other application and I wouldn't have wasted my time with it and downloaded something else.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Thanks everyone who has helped counteract the stupid. Nice to see some positive well written reviews from people with functioning frontal lobes.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Still got some "fracking" morons who think Star Trek should be a buck and can't figure out portrait mode. Hint: you turn your phone upright. Incredibly hard I know.

The new menu will support portrait mode in the upcoming AFM update. I think that's been tripping some folks up, but at least it hasn't affected the tables themselves.


New member
Jul 20, 2012
They should post your IQ next to your review. It would make them more fun to read.
I feel the same way about Facebook too. Many good posters, but too many nuts.

IQ or emotional age. Some of these reviews are posted by people with the brain development of a 10 year old. I'm just glad that there is THIS forum to turn to, rather than relying on the reviews in iTunes store. And why is it a digital world in review land. Too expensive = one star! No X-Box = one star! It isn't a first person shooter = one star. What ever happened to the graduated scale of 1-5 stars? Is this just because people only read one-star and five-star reviews? Amazon app store is a little better, for some reason. I posted a 5-star review in there, even though I was annoyed with the delay in the releases of new tables there. This game IS that good. Thanks Farsight.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
So after reading this thread I put in a 5 star review.

But now I have a stupid question, how do I ammend my written review? Can not find it on the app store page.

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