This Pin is starting to grow on me. I've figured out some subtle bounce techniques that have made locking the balls easy and multiball jackpot targets consistently doable. I'll try to make a video of these shots and post them later. Almost all of these shots involve police box eject, hold up right flipper pass then timing the left flip after varying degrees of dead bounces.I do like how the video mode animation changes after the end of each "round." Kind of reminds me of those Ms. Pac-Man animations.Scored a 400m Davros Jackpot, but the goal didn't register so there must be some trick to that. Maybe it has to be exactly 300m. I don't know, but if you've achieved this goal please share your insight. It did give me an enter initial screen I'd never seen before, Highest Davros Wave.PS My Big Hurt score is finally up on the leaderboards, minus a couple billion for some reason, but better than zilch and I'm temporarily ahead of Slam23!
This Pin is starting to grow on me. I've figured out some subtle bounce techniques that have made locking the balls easy and multiball jackpot targets consistently doable. I'll try to make a video of these shots and post them later. Almost all of these shots involve police box eject, hold up right flipper pass then timing the left flip after varying degrees of dead bounces.
I do like how the video mode animation changes after the end of each "round." Kind of reminds me of those Ms. Pac-Man animations.
Scored a 400m Davros Jackpot, but the goal didn't register so there must be some trick to that. Maybe it has to be exactly 300m. I don't know, but if you've achieved this goal please share your insight. It did give me an enter initial screen I'd never seen before, Highest Davros Wave.
PS My Big Hurt score is finally up on the leaderboards, minus a couple billion for some reason, but better than zilch and I'm temporarily ahead of Slam23!