Yeah you could make a rectangle shaped box control panel with a real life lockdown bar and flipper buttons on the side and add one of these Digital Plunger and Two axis motion sensor kits
For the complete experience!! Make it happen FarSight please
… in the meantime, what would work well is just using the Rift and a regular game controller.
Are there many other real tables that are that good in Future? When I last checked (a LONG time ago) there wasn't a very big selection and most of them were either very basic or custom-designed.Hey now, agreed, Oculus Rift would take it to the next level. I have been playing Future Pinball tables with TrackIR tech for over a year now and really like the effect of being able to zoom in and out of the table while playing just by using your noggin. OR would be the next logical step in 3D pinball immersion.
Have you checked out the amazing update to the Star Trek - The Next Generation (20th Anniversary Edition), check out my vid with TrackIR and an XBOX360 controller. I have it set to vibrate every time I use the flippers or nudge.
Get the table here:
Are there many other real tables that are that good in Future? When I last checked (a LONG time ago) there wasn't a very big selection and most of them were either very basic or custom-designed.
Something you might find interesting/useful, is a plugin I stumbed across a while back which will emulate a TrackIR device, but use a Kinect to do it! I haven't verified it's accuracy or if it even works at all, but it's worth a go:
Again, I can't actually verify that it works or not, but given that more people here would own Kinects than have a TrackIR-compatible setup, it may be worth toying with!
Hey now, they have improved Future Pinball significantly. Most newer tables are using Physics 2.5. I have over 360 tables installed in my Table folder and some of the original tables being made by these mad geniuses like Nightmare on Elm Street, Back to the Future and Gremlins are crazy!
Any updates on Rift support? This needs to happen!
Something like the one I made perhaps ?
All pictures + 1 video here :