Platform: iOS, XBox 360, probably all of themTable: Medieval MadnessDevice: iPad 3 / Xbox 360 SOS: iOS 6.0.0 / Whatever the latest Dashboard update isBug description: Balls returning from the Dragon Ramp suddenly accelerate when they hit the right inlane.Steps to reproduce: The issue occurs randomly, but it happens often enough that making enough right ramps to save a damsel or two is usually enough to observe the acceleration at least once.Additional comments: Also occurs in Harley Davidson 3rd Edition, might be worth checking that table for clues if an obvious cause can't be found on MM.EDIT: I see we're intensely concerned about our ramps...Gord, what's the procedure on multiple responses for the same bug?
Platform: iOS, XBox 360, probably all of them
Table: Medieval Madness
Device: iPad 3 / Xbox 360 S
OS: iOS 6.0.0 / Whatever the latest Dashboard update is
Bug description: Balls returning from the Dragon Ramp suddenly accelerate when they hit the right inlane.
Steps to reproduce: The issue occurs randomly, but it happens often enough that making enough right ramps to save a damsel or two is usually enough to observe the acceleration at least once.
Additional comments: Also occurs in Harley Davidson 3rd Edition, might be worth checking that table for clues if an obvious cause can't be found on MM.
EDIT: I see we're intensely concerned about our ramps...Gord, what's the procedure on multiple responses for the same bug?