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First of all thanks for all your feedbacks! I'm happy to see that a lot of people are really enthusiastic about this mod!

Yes i'll release it, before or after DX11 patch i don't know, it depends on when it will be released, if it's really soon, i'll probably wait to adapt my mod to the new engine modifications, if it's not i'll release my mod soon and make an update once the DX11 patch is out. However, my app is not 100% ready yet for a public release, as it was originally made for a personal usage, i must adjust some things to make it more user friendly, it shouldn't be long.

To be honest i don't really care about legal issues, i didn't modified any part of the code, all the modifications are made at DirectX level, my app hooks graphics call made by the game to d3dx9_43.dll, all the magic is done internally to take control of the camera parameters.

To answer shutyertrap's question about DMD and backglass, no i didn't figure out a way to display it on a second screen yet, same thing for the DMD, that's doable but it requires to create an extra DirectX device, on the 3rd screenshot i've simply hidden it.

A public beta version should be coming soon, if you have new questions, feel free to ask!

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