pinballarcadefans streaming : )


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
The PS4's video streaming is a great feature: a great way to find out about new games, or to learn new ways to play games by watching others (or just to enjoy watching and hearing other people doing crazy stuff ; ). When you stream your PS4 gameplay, you can enter a 50-character title for the stream. Words in the stream, as well as the official name of the game currently being streamed, are used for search term matches when people are searching for streams other on the web or in the PS4's stream viewing interface.

So, I'd like to propose using some of your allotted 50 characters to add an identifier for this forum, That URL will take up 22 of your precious 50 characters, so it may not fit if you have certain things you want to say, but hopefully it can usually be fit in.

For instance, I think I'll usually have something like no extra balls

(48 characters!) as my stream title. I'm using for streaming (currently there are two options, Twitch and UStream, but according to the PS4 interface there are *way* more viewers watching the Twitch streams--I guess the site must be well known among gamers or something?), and my Twitch channel is I'll be on fairly regularly, if not necessarily for very long periods each day.

Hope to see a lot of you there, this is really going to be a great way to pick up on play tips and just to enjoy Pinball Arcade goodness with others. I probably *won't* be voice streaming and watching comments (it squishes the screen view down a bit to make room for the comments on PS4, and I don't have a PC screen or something in view I could watch them on....also I hate the sound of my own voice ; )...also I bet it would totally distract me and I'd be playing like ick), but I know some people will, and I'll be on the lookout for that--look forward to shooting the breeze with some of you that way.

In any case, I highly encourage you to stream your PS4 gameplay, it really adds something great to the whole PS4 experience--and it can be a great way to introduce more people to The Pinball Arcade and this forum!
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Just noticed that by default, the PS4 is set to stream at less than top quality--but you can change this! (This is via Twitch; not sure about their UStream settings.)

On the screen where you name your stream and are about to start streaming, press the Option button to bring up an options menu on the right. Select "Broadcast Settings," then "Quality" on the screen that appears. I suppose how well the various quality setting work is mostly dependent upon your internet connection, but I changed mine from the default "High" to "Best." Viewing these settings through the site, "Best" certainly looks a lot better:



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