Request Requests for improvements to the game...


New member
May 28, 2017
We all know about the numerous bugs and little issues he and there and while they are slowly being fixed here and there, there are still other things that could be improved on and or tweaked to improve the game overall and I was hoping if some of our requests, feedback, ideas, etc... could be implemented along with fixes...

I don't really remember something being updated, added, or changed that WASN'T a bug fix that made the game better or improved on it... Yes I know big fixes does kind of "improve" the game, but let's be real, those are things that should have already been working...

For example I don't really consider the ball being slow and floaty like a bug issue, that seems more like that was how it was made to be, but after playing real tables and the new Williams tables on Zen's Pinball FX3, it's pretty obvious the ball weight or speed is extremely slow... If you play Attack From Mars on FX3 and then play it on PBA, it's like 8a in slow motion... I was able to get Ruler of The Universe on PBA on my first attempt at playing it in who knows how long and after I had played it on FX3 as I was taking a look at the difference between each version, but on the FX3 version, I still haven't been able to beat all the stages to even try and get the Wizard Mode... I think the highest I've gotten so far was one stage before conquering the Mars level where you "take the fight to them"...

And in real life it's almost the same to where I've only been able to beat like 3-4 stages...

So the ball speed and or weight of it could REALLY use an upgrade and tweak to it... Especially since Farsight is claiming to replicate the real life table experience...

Adjusting the ball speed/weight might also improve the physics overall?? Because that to kind of needs addressing...

Sometimes when playing the Terminator 2 table, just launching the ball will sometimes make it go in the out lane and we didn't even get a chance to put it in play. It's even more frustrating when it does it and you get the ball save, but then it does it again when it relaunches it into play again and that 2nd time you don't get a ball save...

I'm sure we all know the lighting can still be worked on and or tweaked a little bit more, but it has finally gotten better, actually I would say a lot better because I've been able to play longer and not always trying to adjust it like before... It's still depends table by table, but at least I can set it and usually be good from there....

It seems like PBA hasn't been able to get better or be improved upon because of all the bugs, glitches, and or the things that break when something's get fixed... Like most of us have said, one step forward and then two steps back...

And I'm not trying to knock on Farsight anymore, it's slowly getting better and I thought now that we are almost kind of to the point where it's small issues and nothing really game breaking, if things can be updated, improved, etc along with some of the fixes... Just to kind of help make the game better...

Please, if anyone else has anything else to share or request that isn't a bug or glitch that could improve the game and to try and bring it back up again... We've all spent a lot of time and money on this product and it's kind of frustrating when there's really nothing "new" and the only things that is new and or improved are things that should have already been working...

My biggest though would be the ball speed or weight of it, that's my number 1 wish list to hopefully get looked into...


New member
May 1, 2013
We all know about the numerous bugs and little issues he and there and while they are slowly being fixed here and there, there are still other things that could be improved on and or tweaked to improve the game overall and I was hoping if some of our requests, feedback, ideas, etc... could be implemented along with fixes...

I don't really remember something being updated, added, or changed that WASN'T a bug fix that made the game better or improved on it... Yes I know big fixes does kind of "improve" the game, but let's be real, those are things that should have already been working...

For example I don't really consider the ball being slow and floaty like a bug issue, that seems more like that was how it was made to be, but after playing real tables and the new Williams tables on Zen's Pinball FX3, it's pretty obvious the ball weight or speed is extremely slow... If you play Attack From Mars on FX3 and then play it on PBA, it's like 8a in slow motion... I was able to get Ruler of The Universe on PBA on my first attempt at playing it in who knows how long and after I had played it on FX3 as I was taking a look at the difference between each version, but on the FX3 version, I still haven't been able to beat all the stages to even try and get the Wizard Mode... I think the highest I've gotten so far was one stage before conquering the Mars level where you "take the fight to them"...

And in real life it's almost the same to where I've only been able to beat like 3-4 stages...

So the ball speed and or weight of it could REALLY use an upgrade and tweak to it... Especially since Farsight is claiming to replicate the real life table experience...

Adjusting the ball speed/weight might also improve the physics overall?? Because that to kind of needs addressing...

Sometimes when playing the Terminator 2 table, just launching the ball will sometimes make it go in the out lane and we didn't even get a chance to put it in play. It's even more frustrating when it does it and you get the ball save, but then it does it again when it relaunches it into play again and that 2nd time you don't get a ball save...

I'm sure we all know the lighting can still be worked on and or tweaked a little bit more, but it has finally gotten better, actually I would say a lot better because I've been able to play longer and not always trying to adjust it like before... It's still depends table by table, but at least I can set it and usually be good from there....

It seems like PBA hasn't been able to get better or be improved upon because of all the bugs, glitches, and or the things that break when something's get fixed... Like most of us have said, one step forward and then two steps back...

And I'm not trying to knock on Farsight anymore, it's slowly getting better and I thought now that we are almost kind of to the point where it's small issues and nothing really game breaking, if things can be updated, improved, etc along with some of the fixes... Just to kind of help make the game better...

Please, if anyone else has anything else to share or request that isn't a bug or glitch that could improve the game and to try and bring it back up again... We've all spent a lot of time and money on this product and it's kind of frustrating when there's really nothing "new" and the only things that is new and or improved are things that should have already been working...

My biggest though would be the ball speed or weight of it, that's my number 1 wish list to hopefully get looked into...

Personally I feel apart from various small bugs on a few tables (Spider Wheel on Scared Stiff etc.;) which I still hope get fixed eventually!) without a doubt the two things that would truly take TPA to the next level are

1) Pinball physics (ball weight/speed) as you've already mentioned. 2) Sort out the lightning once and for all, as many have said in other posts there are still lots of tables that have that awful washed out look to them.

If Farsight ever get these two things sorted then I feel the PS4 version would be nigh on perfect, whether Farsight and good old Tom Devaney have any intention of making these sort of improvements is an entirely different question, I certainly hope so as it would truly make Tom's efforts on the PS4 truly shine, fingers crossed:)


New member
Sep 4, 2018
If there is one thing that takes me out of immersion of playing a real table on TPA, it is the floaty physics. I know they can make some improvements in their game engine. Take a look at F 14 Tomcat. You can see they added more slope to that table. If they can tweak the slope and weight a little more, that would add a lot of extra excitement in my opinion.

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Nov 11, 2012
Farsight should start now with thinking about completely overhauling (from the ground up) the game for current-gen PCs and next-gen consoles (PS5 et al.) in order to be ready for when they launch. I'm sure in order to get proper frame-rates on what is now low-end hardware, a few corners were cut (as in: simplifications) here and there, which may not be necessary when you have proper CPU and GPU power. So yeah, Pinball Arcade II won't work on Grandma's Core i3 2xxx anymore. But it'll be 2019 or even 2020 and it's time to upgrade and setting the baseline higher. In the mean time, all those 'lessons learned' of having to fix A because you fixed B and that piece of duct tape you ripped off was also 'fixing' A and nobody bothered to document that, etc. can be put to good use.


New member
May 28, 2017
Unfortunately I won't repurchase all the tables again if it comes out on the next consoles that end up coming out... If that don't let us transfer our tables from like the PS4 to PS5 like how other co uimpanies have allowed us, then I'm done... If we can transfer the tables we own already, then I'll be more than open to trying to purchase newer tables IF there is drastic improvements to the game as a whole, including the previous released tables...

I totally can understand that they wouldn't let us transfer from Xbox One to PS5 or PS4 to Whatever the next Xbox is going to be, but there really isn't any excuse to not let us as long as the console is from the same manufacturer...

As for what others have mentioned though, I completely agree, besides the lighting and graphics, the ball physics and or physics in general is all that really needs to be tweaked, adjusted, and give the ball some weight to it so it feels like a real ball...

I went and played the 3 tables that just released on Pinball FX3 on the 360 version of PBA just for the heck of it and it's so slow on there as well... Again I was able to beat the Attack From Mars table completely on my first try, not on my first ball, but my first game... I still haven't even been able to just get to where we attack Mars on FX3 still... I can get like 3 or 4 cities at the most on top of various other goals to trigger rule the universe mode...

Then on Black Rose, I got my highest score ever on the 360 and sunk tons of ships, but again on FX3 it's just brutal, especially if you try with arcade or tournament physics settings... The regular Zen settings make it a tiny bit easier, but it's still a challenge and waaayyy faster than PBA... And of course the same thing with Party Zone...

Also what I mean about giving the ball some weight to make it behave and feel like a real pinball, if you look how the ball will behave on FX3, especially when you shoot wild shots or get a hard/fast shot off, you can see how the ball will bounce off the wall or whatever and actually jump up from the table a little just like how a real ball will sometimes do on an actual table...


New member
Mar 9, 2017
To be quite honest: i think I've only started TPA once on my PS4 since FX3 started to release the Williams tables. There is jut no going back for me, even though I have all the available tables in TPA & SPA (except for the last 2 which I probably won't buy). The difference is just way to big. TPA feels lightyears behind.

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