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Been scouting facebook Farsight and Zen pages, and something took my attention. I see a lot of people whining about prices of Farsight tables, packs, and Zen format.

Sure when it was release in the past, it was like what? About 2-3$ a table? And now as example, Farsight released Big Buck and Whoa Nellie at way higher price than usual like 10$ a table. I see people complaining at 5$ , ACDC was too expensive. Zen price are like about 3-4$ per table, sold as pack, and some people are not happy they cannot buy them separately.( not here to discuss the mobile price, thats another subject )

So if we look at this, perhaps the problem was that from the start digital pinball price was not expensive enough? Sure some tables are better than some others. If as an example, i would have the choice of paying 10$ each for Theater of Magic, Safecracker and Champions Pub, i would have been hesitant to pay for Safecracker, Champions Pub, they are just not personal favorite. But i bought the pack exclusively for ToM. For me, this table worth alone the 10$. But for some, perhaps they would have bought all athree without hesitation.

Would you be ready to pay 10$ for one table? Be ready to pay between 20-30$ for BKSOR alone? If the past, not a lot of pinball games were available, and game with like 1 table like Timeshock, Big Race USA were selling for a big price alone. Are we just now more critics of price we are paying now because it was really cheap imo in the past? Are we doing ourselves a favour by thinking paying 3$ a table is right?

I think Zen price are very good, its similar to what was available in the past with TPA. But whatever happen next with Stern License or bigger license tables from WMS, are you ready to pay more per table? Whats the price you consider acceptable?

For me, its a question of what is offered. Id pay 3$ max as example for a table like CSI. But i would not mind to spend 20$ for BKSOR, The Munsters, or more newer pinballs. And if the WMS licensed tables could be more expensive, i will be ok with it.

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