Bug Slow bonus count

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Think there might be an extension of the bug, but I don't have Steam so I haven't tested it yet. Apparently, if you get Bonus Hold from the captive ball on the last ball of your game, there's an additional part of the fanfare that's the latter part of the normal bonus count played on a guitar. This might not even play at all due to this bug.


The game acts as if there is a ball through switch not recognizing balls when they go down the out hole, so the timers and the music etc continues to go and then hang before the bonuses will be totalled.

After a few games I get a service dot, but I haven't played in pro mode to check to see what it's about yet. I tried just openeing the operators menu but the dot magically disappeared :/


Active member
Feb 14, 2013

this is amateur stuff. Emulated machines shouldn't get credit dots...

Seems like a switch isn't hooked up right...

Oh, and the light dimming feature the original table has is missing, as near as I can tell. It cleverly pulses the incandescent lights at a variable rate to dim them, as I recall.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013

Yes, it does look like the last ball Bonus Hold music fails too. The music when your number of fish caught is shown there is missing.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
99% likely the issue is the trough entry switch and solenoid are not implemented properly. here's the proper way to handle a williams multiball trough.

Have two stacks. one of balls waiting on the entry solenoid, and one of the balls in the trough.

When a ball drains, add the ball to the entry solenoid stack, and depress the entry switch

when the game fires the entry solenoid, release the entry solenoid switch momentarily, remove the ball from the entry stack and add it to the main trough. Then redepress it if there's still a ball.

To avoid confusing the software, travel time of the balls must be simulated. balls shouldn't jump to the first open switch, but should roll across the other ones in the way as well. That said, some games are more tolerant than others.

The 6 ball troughs i believe are different, and have no entry solenoid. drained balls simply roll to their proper position by gravity.

Single ball troughs are usually different. sometimes there is just one switch, one ball feed solenoid, and no entry switch or solenoid. Bad Cats ins an example. the ball is slung directly form outhole to plunger. check the manual when in doubt.

Gottlieb (premiere) games handle things differently. they DO have an entry solenoid and switch by it, but only one switch in the actual trough, which closes when the trough is FULL in most cases. If, after locking a ball and plunging, the game serves another ball, and ends your ball when one drains, it is because you mistakenly assumed the trough switch only opens when the trough is empty, and need to do things the way I just said. :)

Stargate is a special exception. it uses a three ball trough and an entry solenoid, but has four balls! it leaves the fourth ball on the entry switch. It's trough also seems to behave differently. i haven't figured it all out.
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New member
Mar 26, 2012
Huh. I never thought to try doing an "update all" between TPA software updates on iOS. It's downloading three tables! First is El Dorado, guessing another is Fish Tales. Nice :)

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