Something that really irks me about PS3 updates


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
While I think I understand Sony's no DLC update policy pretty well, there has been something that has bothering me since I heard about it. Why on Earth is in inner cabinet in Funhouse still black instead of blue? I know it seems like I am nitpicking, but it is more of the principal of the thing. My understanding of the situation is that farsight can only update tables that are in the core game, which includes the core tables and DLC packs 1 and 2. (If you download DLC packs 1 and 2, you will notice that they are just a small "unlock" file. And I believe MM, BOP, CV and FH are in the core game demo.)

So, basically my complaint is this: It is bad enough that we can't get updates to dlc packs, but I am understanding of that. But when they don't update a table like Funhouse, which is in the core game, it just seems like they are neglecting PS3 users.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Yeah I'm a bit annoyed we still have the plunger that only pulls back a inch on FH. Shame they won't fix the few they should be able to.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
I'm very sad now...
I'm a little slow...

No updates?
Very not cool!

Luckily I'm pretty happy as is but was definitely hoping for some improvements.
Ugh...oh well.. on to pc when that's ready...hurry up :p

And yes please address the issues you are able to. As each new problem is discovered, it increases the workload exponentially.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I'm very sad now...
I'm a little slow...

No updates?
Very not cool!

Luckily I'm pretty happy as is but was definitely hoping for some improvements.
Ugh...oh well.. on to pc when that's ready...hurry up :p

And yes please address the issues you are able to. As each new problem is discovered, it increases the workload exponentially.

Well, they were able to implement a universal physics update to all tables about a year ago. But table specific bugs and artwork problems currently can't be addressed although they are supposedly working with Sony to find a way around it. I hope so because Firepower is almost impossible to get a high score with running into a game breaking bug. And I hope they can get a Black Knight update when they emulate it.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
Do we know if ps4 policy will force the same situation?

Wtf Sony...seriously?

It occurs to me to wonder if we waited long enough if the years worth of packs could be in base engine download and dlc is just unlock file?
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