South West UK pinball league meet 16th June Western Super Mare


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I Went to the above event yesterday and had a great time. Played an awesome selection of pins as follows;

Medieval Madness ( colour DMD )
Monster Bash
Attack From Mars
Tron LE
Addams Family
Wizard ( EM )
Independence Day
Creature From The Black Lagoon
Class Of 1812
Johnny mnemonic ( out of action )
Indy 500

All in 1 guys house! I was in my element and the 5 hours we were there went really fast. My overall favourite was the Tron, I know some say its not that good but I was blown away. The wizard was surprisingly good fun once you got into it. Actually I enjoyed all the games but was a bit disappointed with TAF, couldn't see what all the fuss is about. Class of 1812 is a very strange but fun machine. ID4 also surprised me, enjoyed that one even though I tilted it during the comp :mad:. AFM, MM and MB were of course amazing and completely familiar due to my TPA addiction.

A few pics;

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New member
May 26, 2012
Wow, what a cool line-up there! I've still not played Tron. What did you think of Spider-man?

Glad you've joined in with the league meets. My experience of them has been overwhelmingly positive. I probably know, or at least recognise, some of the South West players. Now I no longer work on Sundays, I'm hoping to get along to some of my local-ish meets soon (or at least next season).


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Really enjoyed Spiderman, would love to get my mits on one. At least it's a lot more affordable than Tron LE. Was a great day for me as I have very limmited experience with real tables, out of all that was there I have only played a CFTBL and a partially working Shrek before, the rest were new to me.

How do the pics look to everyone? On my PC they are all the correct way around but on my iPad some of them are sideways for some reason.
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
Luckily all Neil's machines were spread out, 5 in the garage, 1 in a summerhouse in the garden, 3 in his kitchen and 5 in his living room. The only problem really was the kitchen was a bit crowded with people stood around chatting and eating and squeezing by on their way through when I was playing my match on Shrek, quite annoying at times but hey, who am I to complain? Got to play some amazing machines for 5 hours for £4 in Neil's own home. Awesome day.

And I just found out I came 9th out of 26. Happy with that.
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Jul 11, 2012
Pics look fine. I wish there was a league around here. Congrats on your placing Kev. CLASS of 1812 might be the only Gottlieb that I like.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Pics look fine. I wish there was a league around here. Congrats on your placing Kev. CLASS of 1812 might be the only Gottlieb that I like.

Pics are fine on my PC and S4 but on my iPad 3 of them are sideways.

Class of 1812 was definitely interesting, very quirky and unusual. Would fit well in TPA.

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