Request Spread the love for NASCAR / Grand Prix!

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
So far only 1 Stern machine has been released, RBION; so why not follow up with the "sequel" to that game?

I was able to play NASCAR at Pelham a while back, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved the theme (even though I don't care for NASCAR or racing in general), I loved the audiovisuals, and most of all, I loved the play field. Basically it's what happens when you combine Steve Ritchie designs with Monopoly and/or No Good Gofers. Deep ruleset is used here, done with the "race" aspect of Banzai Run, the modes of Twilight Zone, the style of Road Show, and procession of RBION to make it worth delving into. Also to note is that this game is stack mania, seriously I saw someone stack Victory Laps + a mode + Speed Shots + Hard Racing + Road Course + Multiball once. Definitely a required option - and if NASCAR is too high a license we can always do Grand Prix instead. Hopefully some listen to my suggestion!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'm right with you. I haven't played it a lot but I like it too. The modes are fun and the layout is pretty good. The balls zooming around the outer edge of the pin add a feel of speed and I liked the sound on it as well.


Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Yeah - I liked it too.
Found one on its own out in the wild.
It was at 'Ice cream farm' Cheshire UK last July (kids adventure type place that makes ice cream).
It was in a fenced off Arcade set on free play, but you had to pay £5 for a half hour access to the arcade.

Sad to see kids cueing and fighting to play 'the video driving game' but no cue for the pinball.
Spent my full half hour on it - great table.


Mar 25, 2013
Yeah, I think its a fun table too and would welcome it. There was a Dale Jr. version of this at a pinball place around here I would play often. I don't care anything about Nascar but you really don't have to like the theme to enjoy the actual table. The balls accelerating around the entire table is a fun little mechanic too.

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