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First of, I'm not a Trekkie in the least, I do like STTNG (mostly season 3 and later), but dont own any on DVD or Bluray. I do like the STTNG movies. I dont care for original Star Trek. So now you know where my allegiances are :)

In regards to your comments:

Dont forget some PAPA tutorials are made to make sure you get the most score out of only 3 balls with everything set to the most difficult, so certain video's show you how to avoid any sort of risk to get to the most lucrative score. Some PAPA video's are more meant to show of the table and it's capabilities, but from all the video's Ive seen, this one is the one that shows that the least and is a barebones: how to get a high score by reaching Final Frontier. It is also known as a difficult machine, so in a tournament, players like to avoid all risk.

When you have more balls at your disposal and the table isnt set AS difficult,  you should abolutely play the modes as that is where the meat of the game is. It is one of the deepest rulesets

You might say it's not the best Tournament machine for that reason (as the risk/reward leans a bit too much towards the Risk ratio), but one of the better machine to have unlimited access to, and just play for fun. It has a very deep ruleset, and you'll discover new things constantly. I'm inclined to say you might wanna skip reading the instructions on this one, to avoid spoiling surprises. Despite its deep ruleset the table communictes VERY well on what needs to be hit.

It's known as one of the "slower" Ritchie tables, but it does have the typical Ritchie flow. You mentioned the open playfield and that is true: and I love it. This avoids the lawlor/jpop STDM drainrisk of the usual TPA fair (dont get me wrong I love em both) and instead we get a lot of room for longer clean shots and tons of toys aroudn the whole playfield.

If I would have one machine in my home, it would be TZ, TAF or STTNG, and out of those STTNG would probably win because of the deep theme integration with the modes and *the* absolute best overall presentation values in a pinball game. The full cast cooperated with developing this machine, which is why each castmember received a "free" custom table. It's the single most immersive table for that reason. edit: come to think of it, it's one of the real life pinball tables that come closest to a Zen table in its theme/table integration, but with the real voice acotrs and without the weird stuff flying around your table.

To just watch and hear the table, maybe look at this video to give you an impression how someone like you and I would play it.


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