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More, for some of the Season 2 tables:

Dr Dude: Por Que No Te Callas? - Score 10 million points without hitting the Gift of Gab. (If a random award spots you Gift of Gab, that's OK.)

Firepower: Superior Firepower - Score 200,000 points while in multiball.

Cactus Canyon: Lock, Stock, and Many Smoking Barrels - Win a combined total of 10 Gunfights and Quick Draws in one game.

Central Park: Marathon Run - Plunge 20 balls in one game.

Space Shuttle: Failure to Launch - In one game, make 3 shots up the Space Shuttle ramp that fall back down and do not start multiball.

Whitewater: Project Your Voice - Cause the game to yodel.

Centaur: An Axe to Grind - Score 5 million points or more while in 5-ball multiball. This can be done across multiple games.

Pinbot: Wormhole - Make the center Vortex Skill Shot five times in one game.

Champion Pub: Closed for Health Code Violations - Play the video mode without letting any spit hit the floor.

Whirlwind: Not in Kansas Anymore - Stack Quick Multiball and regular multiball together, and score at least 3 jackpots in the resulting combined multiball.

Flight 2000: Sic Itur Ad Astra - Get into multiball within 3 minutes of the start of a game.

Goin' Nuts!: Lunatic Asylum - Score 750,000 points without building up the timer past 60 seconds.

Terminator 2: Judgment Day: Get in the Choppa - Score 3 Super Jackpots in one game without missing a single cannon shot.

Haunted House: A Thorough Exorcism - In one game, drain off each playfield in all possible ways.

Tee'd Off: Speed Golf - Starting from Hole 1, make 9 Hole shots in 90 seconds.

Class of 1812: Overachiever's Overture - Score 10 million points in 30 seconds while in multiball.

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