Bug Strange multiball sequence?


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Again, on iOS (but it seems like it would be a table issue across all platforms and not a platform-specific one) but there seems to be some strange condition where locking two balls via the Caster's Club will launch multiball. It doesn't look like the game knows about it (I didn't notice anything on the DMD about a special mode being active) but when draining one ball it did let me keep playing. So maybe it's just a software thing within the actual ROM itself, but I don't think so.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I got thus once during the iOS beta. But I couldn't recreate it. So I assumed I was mistaken. Has this happened to you multiple times?


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
It happens a lot, about every other game (iPad 2, iOS 6). It looks like a ball that got fed to the lock "spool" bounces back on the rail, then the game does a ball search with the spool and launches anything that it comes across. It's actually not a real multiball because you can lock a ball that counts towards multiball. And somehow the game keeps track of this situation, otherwise a drain would break the game, now it indeed let's you continue. I think this is all ROM based, a big part anyway.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Oh, this was iPad 3, iOS 7.0.4 BTW. And it happens fairly frequently for me... about once every 30 mins of play on that table.

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