I agree that I'd really like to see most of these. Here's what I think. Remember, its just my opinion.Bad Cats - MaybeBanzai Run - DoubtfulBig Guns - DoubtfulBlack Knight 2000 - YupBugs Bunny's Birthday Ball - DoubtfulCyclone - YupDiner - YupDr Dude - Yup (already announced)Earthshaker - YupElvira and the Party Monsters - MaybeF-14 Tomcat - YupFire! - DoubtfulGame Show - DoubtfulGrand Lizard - MaybeHigh Speed - YupJokerz! - DoubtfulMillionaire - DoubtfulMousin' Around! - DoubtfulPin*Bot - Yup (already announced)Police Force - DoubtfulPool Sharks - DoubtfulRadical! - DoubtfulRiverboat Gambler - DoubtfulRoad Kings - DoubtfulRollergames - DoubtfulSpace Station - MaybeSwords of Fury - MaybeTaxi - Yup (coming soon)Transporter the Rescue - DoubtfulWhirlwind - Yup (already announced)That's ten titles that I'd give a strong "yes" to. Throw in a couple "maybe's" and possibly a few "doubtful's" and you got yourself a decent number of System 11 pins. Remember, it's just my opinion.
I agree that I'd really like to see most of these. Here's what I think. Remember, its just my opinion.
Bad Cats - Maybe
Banzai Run - Doubtful
Big Guns - Doubtful
Black Knight 2000 - Yup
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball - Doubtful
Cyclone - Yup
Diner - Yup
Dr Dude - Yup (already announced)
Earthshaker - Yup
Elvira and the Party Monsters - Maybe
F-14 Tomcat - Yup
Fire! - Doubtful
Game Show - Doubtful
Grand Lizard - Maybe
High Speed - Yup
Jokerz! - Doubtful
Millionaire - Doubtful
Mousin' Around! - Doubtful
Pin*Bot - Yup (already announced)
Police Force - Doubtful
Pool Sharks - Doubtful
Radical! - Doubtful
Riverboat Gambler - Doubtful
Road Kings - Doubtful
Rollergames - Doubtful
Space Station - Maybe
Swords of Fury - Maybe
Taxi - Yup (coming soon)
Transporter the Rescue - Doubtful
Whirlwind - Yup (already announced)
That's ten titles that I'd give a strong "yes" to. Throw in a couple "maybe's" and possibly a few "doubtful's" and you got yourself a decent number of System 11 pins. Remember, it's just my opinion.