Table with Easiest Wizard Goals


New member
Mar 12, 2013
It would depend on what table you're good at right? I mean, if you suck at STTNG, then it doesn't matter if it has easy goals.

That being said, I can tell you that Genie and Goin' Nuts probably have the toughest goals.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Tables I was able to get all wizard goals in the same game on the first try (after unlocking them):

Central Park
Who Dunnit

Other tables where I thought all the wizard goals were easy:

Bride of Pinbot
No Good Gophers
Twilight Zone
High Speed

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
I got through Gorgar's first 4 wizard goals really fast but cant get the 1234 bonus with the inlane roll-overs. Is there a trick to it. I can't figure a way of passing the ball to get it to roll up the ramp so have to try to get it to go down the lane and it drain into the outlane half the time.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I got through Gorgar's first 4 wizard goals really fast but cant get the 1234 bonus with the inlane roll-overs. Is there a trick to it. I can't figure a way of passing the ball to get it to roll up the ramp so have to try to get it to go down the lane and it drain into the outlane half the time.

Yeah, that one is hardish. I don't think there is a trick. You just need to have a good game. If you haven't gotten them already, I would start with Bride of Pinbot and Centaur.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
TotAN is probably the easiest in my opinion but that is if (and that's a big IF) you can get past the Standard Harem goal. I found Flight 2k, Centaur, and Junkyard to be quite easy as well.

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
Thanks. I am stuck on that last Gorgar and am working on Centaur and Bride of Pinbot. Can't get past that standard harem goal.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I would say Gorgar and Cactus Canyon. So far I remember, these are the ones on which I have achieved wizard goals on the first try (maybe with luck?).


New member
Sep 14, 2013
I would say Gorgar and Cactus Canyon. So far I remember, these are the ones on which I have achieved wizard goals on the first try (maybe with luck?).
You are a wizard then. Not only do you have to reach High noon but to win it.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
You are a wizard then. Not only do you have to reach High noon but to win it.

Well, it is known that some tables are A LOT easier on consoles than on mobiles (I play on Android from time to time, and I can see the difference ^^). Cactus Canyon on consoles is like Scared Stiff, you can play for ages... :p

Same goes for Theatre of Magic. I read numerous topics on which people say that they have trouble to win the Grand Finale but on consoles, it's kind of easy. On Android, I can't manage to just start it. :eek:

Baltimore Jones

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Jul 25, 2013
TotAN is probably the easiest in my opinion but that is if (and that's a big IF) you can get past the Standard Harem goal. I found Flight 2k, Centaur, and Junkyard to be quite easy as well.

Standard Harem wasn't hard for me once I looked up a "spoiler" about how it works exactly.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
TotAN is probably the easiest in my opinion but that is if (and that's a big IF) you can get past the Standard Harem goal. I found Flight 2k, Centaur, and Junkyard to be quite easy as well.

Like TotAN, Flight 2K and Junkyard each had one tricky standard goal (F2K-target sweep and JY-super skill shot) which took me many tries to get. Once those happened, the wizard goals on all three tables were cake to earn IMO.

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
Standard Harem wasn't hard for me once I looked up a "spoiler" about how it works exactly.
Yeah, it would be darn near impossible without knowing you had to wait until the tiger light stopped flashing and only when the lock is lit is not on. But I still have trouble hitting that shot 5 times in a game.

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
Eventually it doesn't stop flashing. Don't have it on Steam yet.
What do you mean? Is it different on different devices? I'm playing on kindle the tiger light shuts off after a few seconds. The lock is lit needs to be addressed once it is engaged before going back to harem (I think) and the genie nonsense makes everything start flashing. If I had the control, I would just go far right and far left each time and stay out of that cluster of toys in the middle. I can hit 5 ramps in a row on most tables but TOTAN's left ramp for HAREM is so far to the left. ...that 5th table goal is the bane of my existence.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
YEah, there's code in the game to try to recognize that you are attempting to time out the tiger loop so you can shoot harem. if the game figures out you are doing this, then it will refuse to unlight the flashing arrow, and then you have to shoot the ramp to unlight it. Lock being lit overrides harem anyway though and forces you to play out the mulitball first regardless of tiger loop state. so shooting the ramp is NOT the cause of that.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
You are a wizard then. Not only do you have to reach High noon but to win it.

I think I must be missing someone - why does everyone think Cactus Canyon is such a hard game? I managed to beat High Noon on my second game, before grasping the rules. And out of all the machines I play regularly, I get to Cactus Canyon's wizard mode the most frequently. I'm not a particularly skilled player - is the PS3 version just so much easier tan the others?

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