Telltale Games: The Walking Dead


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
So, having found out that the next DLC for TPA will be delayed. I spent my MS points on Episode 1 of The Walking Dead.

This is available for XBOX360, PS3 and PC.

I will not include any spoilers but as I am a fan of the series I had to check it out (don't worry I will be reloading my points and still buying the DLC lol).

First of all. If you are not a fan of either the IFC series or the graphic novel, OR are not a fan of point and click adventures (in general I am not), I suggest you just stay away, as you probably won't enjoy this.

Second. It's based on the graphic novel's world and tells a parallel story, not the one presented. You will run into characters that you recognize. (I counted 2 characters that I recognized, though I think I MIGHT be able to say three on a technicality).

The story starts with your character, Lee, in the back of an Atlanta Police cruiser, being brought out of Atlanta on your way to serve your sentence for murder. You talk to the officer until you hit a walker and veer off the road (very well done scene by the way). Anyway, you have to get out of the cruiser find a way to get the handcuffs off and then dispatch the police officer who is now a walker....and this starts your story.

The neat thing is that the story seem to really mold itself around your decisions.
Remember in the mid to late 80s when they had those Choose Your Own Adventure books? This is the jist of what this game will be.
Your decisions have a very real impact on what will happen later on in this episode and on later episodes as you will have to choose, on occasion, between who lives and who dies. This will obviously alter some things. Now I've only played through once, and I'm sure that all the major events will be the same no matter what, but, dialog later on shows that things you say to the characters early on will be referenced.

Controls are simple. Most of the game time seems to be very cinematically driven. And you will have input on conversations, usually with a limited time to choose between saying 3 different things, or nothing at all. When you do actually control your character, you use the left analog stick to move your character and the right to move a curser around the screen. When you put the cursor over something of interest, you have up to 4 actions on that thing using one of the four face buttons... in short controls are pretty limited.

Graphically this game is just shy of stunning, using one of my favorite graphical styles - cell shading (a la Jet Set Radio for the Sega Dreamcast), Telltale gave it a very comic look.

Despite my dislike of adventure games in general, my love for the license helped make this game extremely enjoyable. If you're looking for highly difficult puzzles, you won't find them here, though there are a couple that make you stop for a minute and look around.

The game lasted me a few hours, but i guess I can go back and play it again differently to see how everyone reacts to me. Will do so but not now.

I recommend it.

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