I'll be curious to see what, if any, effect Black Knight emulation has on its score. I did bump my score for BK up to an 8... from a 7. So not a huge amount of movement of the needle from me.I think FS missed a trick with BK by not making it Free Table Of The Month on either Steam or Android/iOS (the latter two platforms get 4 free tables each month... and BK still isn't in there!!).
I'll be curious to see what, if any, effect Black Knight emulation has on its score. I did bump my score for BK up to an 8... from a 7. So not a huge amount of movement of the needle from me.
I think FS missed a trick with BK by not making it Free Table Of The Month on either Steam or Android/iOS (the latter two platforms get 4 free tables each month... and BK still isn't in there!!).