Xenon was NOT produced before 1980. COME ON GUYS. you specifically said we would have one EM per season in 4 and 5i realize so e tables came out in both formats but given the amount of chatter I would say there is plenty of interest in EM's. Please guys, follow through and give us a few EM's. Not Xenon, which was produced towards the end of 1980....,,that's not previous. I've been a loyal customer and buy my tables pack by pack in order to support you please follow through on your end.
Xenon was NOT produced before 1980. COME ON GUYS. you specifically said we would have one EM per season in 4 and 5
i realize so e tables came out in both formats but given the amount of chatter I would say there is plenty of interest in EM's. Please guys, follow through and give us a few EM's. Not Xenon, which was produced towards the end of 1980....,,that's not previous. I've been a loyal customer and buy my tables pack by pack in order to support you please follow through on your end.